

Research for Network Security Based on Attack Graph

【作者】 李鹏飞

【导师】 裘晓峰;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 随着计算机网络技术的快速发展,人们的工作、生活已经越来越离不开网络,许多与人们休戚相关的关键基础设施已经离不开信息通信技术的辅助了。目前我们国家在加大力度的投入和推广物联网、信息物理系统(cyber physical systems,简称CPS)等技术,势必将人们的生活与网络更为紧密的捆绑在一起。然而伴随着网络的发展,层出不穷的计算机病毒、蠕虫以及更为先进的黑客攻击工具给计算机网络带来极大的破坏和威胁。网络安全问题已经成为各个国家、公司和组织不容忽视的问题,同时随着生产全球化,软硬件海外外包业务的发展,给CPS系统整体安全性的检查也带来更多的障碍和不利条件。在本文中,我们引入攻击图理论来解决上文提到的网络安全问题,同时我们搭建了状态攻击图生成原型系统。基于攻击图理论和层次分析法(analytic hierarchy process, AHP),我们提出了网络安全分析的NodeRank算法和厂商安全评估模型的建立,我们试图通过爬取网络漏洞数据库例如osvdb等的漏洞数据,建立本地厂商漏洞库。然后通过利用爬取的漏洞数据的历史信息来评估厂商的信誉度,最后通过NodeRank算法来评判CPS系统的安全可靠性。

【Abstract】 With the development of the information technology, people can’t stand the life without the network. More and more critical infrastructure is increasingly depending on information communication technology, at the same time our country is investing more money in the IOT(internet of things) and CPS(cyber physical systems), so that the future life of people will depend more on the network. Increasing number of bugs, vulnerabilities, Trojan horses, and security incidents due to nefarious insiders and industrial espionage activities have been reported, and with the increasing complexity of CPS due to outsourcing and globalized manufacturing, it’s by no means to guarantee the integrity of a modern CPS product through only supplier screening. Cost and timing restrictions in building and managing critical infrastructure also turn technical testing covering every piece of products from all suppliers into a formidable task.However, we import attack graph to solve the problem mentioned above. In this paper, we set up an attack graph generation system and collect the vendor’s vulnerability information from online vulnerability database such as osvdb(Open Source Vulnerability Database). Based on attack graph, we set up the NodeRank algorithm to analyze the integrity of CPS. With the help of the local vulnerability database set up by ourselves and the AHP (analytic hierarchy process) method, we propose a Supplier Trustworthy Value model to solve the problem.

【关键词】 网络安全信息物理系统攻击图层次分析法
【Key words】 Network SecurityCPSAttack GraphAHP

