

Software Research and Implementation of3G-Ale Shortwave Data Transmission Radio

【作者】 吴文祥

【导师】 刘文京;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 短波通信作为一种远距离的通信方式很早就被人类所使用。由于具有传输距离远、组网方便、成本低和易于维修等优点,至今短波通信仍被广泛的使用。随着这些年来的科学技术的高速发展,人们对短波通信的业务需求越来越高。早在1999年,美国的美军标MIL-STD-188-141B就对第三代短波通信技术做出了详细的规定。但是我国在该领域的研究却比较晚,我国于2007年颁布了我国自己的短波自适应通信系统自动线路建立规程——国军标GJB2077A-2007。本文主要就是在研究国军标定义的3G-ALE协议的基础上,在装有Linux系统的仿真平台和嵌入式ARM板上使用C语言和图形用户界面的开发软件MiniGUI对短波数传电台的流程进行设计并最终实现两台电台之间的高速数据传输业务。本文首先介绍了短波通信、3G-ALE和MiniGUI等的发展情况以及本次研究的意义和特色。然后对本次研究所使用的软、硬件平台的选择情况以及选择的理由进行了说明。接着总结了第三代短波通信3G-ALE协议的总体框架和关键技术,并且分别研究了协议规定的数据链路层和物理层的主要技术。最后在以上研究的基础上,详细介绍了本次自主设计的短波数传电台系统的整体设计方案,随后分别对物理层、数据链路层和应用层界面的设计和实现进行了详尽的论述,并实现了一套测试演示系统。从演示系统的测试结果看,电台系统基本实现了设计的短波数传电台的呼叫和数据传输业务流程以及固定链接的两台电台之间的实时进行数据更新的功能。文章的结尾处对本次研究进行了总结,同时提出了未来可以进一步的进行研究开发的地方。

【Abstract】 Short wave communication as a long distance communication approach has long been used by humans.Because of the far transmission distance, network convenience,low costs and easy to repair and other advantages, shortwave communication is still used extensively. In recent years, with the rapid development of science and technology, people demand higher improvement for shortwave communication. In1999,the U.S. military protocol MIL-STD-188-141B has defined the technology requiremens of third generation short-wave communication. However, the research in this field in China is relatively late. In2007, Chinese PLA General Armament Department issued the short wave adaptive communication system protocols for automatic link establishment(GJB2077A-2007). On the base of the study of national military standard, the paper focuses on software design and implementation of3G-ALE shortwave data transmission radio’s high speed data transmission service in the Linux system simulation platform and embedded ARM board using C language and MiniGUI. First of all, the paper reviews the history of the shortware,3G-ALE protocol and MiniGUI, and explain the study of the significance and the characteristics. And then the paper describes the selection of software and hardware platform and explains the reasons for the selection. Then the paper introduces3G-ALE protocol framework and key technology, and study the data link layer’s and physical layer’s important technology. Finally,based on GJB2077A-2007,the paper introduces the independent design of shortwave data tansmission radio system’s overall design and respectively discusses the physical layer’s, data link layer’s and application layer’s software design and implementation,and realizes a set of test demonstration system. From the demonstration system of the testing results, the radio system has basically realized shortwave data tansmission radio’s call and data transmission business process and realized the data updating function between the fixed link two radioes. At the end of the paper summarizes this research and at the same time proposes future prospects.


