

Research on the Current Situation and Countermeasures on Cultivation of Reserve Talents of Teenage Tennis in Xuzhou

【作者】 李妍

【导师】 潘晟;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 青少年后备人才的储备是制约一个国家竞技体育发展的重要因素之一,后备人才的培养又是竞技体育发展的战略问题。随着我国综合实力的增强,许多网球选手在世界网坛上屡创佳绩,青少年后备人才的培养情况将直接关系到中国网球今后能否可持续发展。而基层后备人才的培养现状能够真实反映我国网球后备人才培养的广度和深度。徐州市从上个世纪九十年代以来长期坚持进行青少年网球后备人才的培养工作,先后向省队输送了一批优秀运动员。随着2014年十八届省运会在徐州的召开,年轻的网球队员们承担着三枚金牌的任务。那么,我市现有的网球后备人才培养情况如何,存在哪些问题需要解决,都值得我们讨论和分析。本课题在研究过程中主要采用了文献资料法、问卷调查法、专家访谈法、数理统计法、实地考察法等方法,就徐州市青少年网球运动后备人才培养体系中,三种模式(业余少体校模式、俱乐部模式、家庭个人培养模式)的运动员和教练员的基本情况进行了分析和研究,从不同视角对选材、训练、文化课学习以及竞赛等情况对徐州市青少年网球运动后备人才的培养情况进行研究和探讨,并对存在的问题提出针对性对策,为进一步推动徐州市乃至同级别城市青少年网球运动的健康发展提供理论依据和参考。通过调查研究得出以下结论:1徐州市青少年网球运动后备人才培养培养形式出现多样化,主要有业余少体校、俱乐部和家庭个人培养模式三种。竞技后备人才的培养仍以业余少体校为主。2徐州市青少年网球运动员均来自市内全日制中小学,利用课余时间参加训练;业余少体校的运动员年龄结构塔基较大,从13岁开始人数骤减,梯队建设不合理;业余少体校运动员文化课成绩较好,家长支持度较高,有利于后备人才的培养。3徐州市业余少体校教练员执教年限和职称情况较为合理,并都有一定的专业运动员经历;但年龄结构出现断层现象,优秀退役运动员不愿下基层工作是教练员人才匮乏的主要原因。而俱乐部和家庭个人培养模式教练员年龄偏轻,执教能力参差不齐。4徐州市业余少体校教练员选材有一定科学依据,但缺乏对心理因素和意志品质的考核;普遍看重运动员家庭经济状况,这可以适当减少成才运动员后期放弃训练的几率。5徐州市业余少体校训练场地设施良好,设有专门用于青少年网球训练的场地,基本能够满足训练需要;经费包括财政拨款和运动员支付的训练费用;训练时数能够保证;训练内容的把握基本准确,但缺乏对运动员心理层面的指导。俱乐部的经费来源单一,仅靠运动员支付的训练费用。6徐州市青少年网球运动后备人才参赛机会较少,业余少体校大多数运动员每年参加1~2次省级比赛。俱乐部个别运动员会选择自费参加全国青少年网球排名赛。7徐州市青少年网球运动后备人才培养中存在的主要问题:业余少体校运动员梯队建设不均衡,大龄运动员人数少;教练员年龄结构出现断层,待遇偏低,缺乏优秀教练员人才。俱乐部训练经费投入不足,教练员奖励制度不明确。

【Abstract】 Teenage talents reserve is one of the important factors to restrict a national athleticssports development, the training of reserve talents is a strategic issue in competitivesports development. The training of teen talents is a strategic issue in competitive sportsdevelopment. Along with our country comprehensive strength has become powerful,many tennis players have obtain outstanding achievements in the world rankings. Thetraining of reserve teen talents will be directly related to the future sustainabledevelopment of China tennis. While the primary reserve talents which can truly reflectour country tennis reserve talents cultivation in breadth and depth. From1990s the cityof Xuzhou has insisted on training tennis teen talents, successively delivered a group ofexcellent athletes to the Jiangsu province tennis team. As of2014, the eighteenthJiangsu Games will hold in Xuzhou, the young tennis players take the task of three goldmedals. Then, how is the situation of our city tennis teen talents cultivation? Whichproblems in the teen talents cultivation need to solve? These are worthy of ourdiscussion and analysis.This topic in the research process mainly uses the literature material law,questionnaire survey, expert interview, mathematical statistics method, field surveymethod etc. To analysis and research the athletes and coaches basic situation in our citytennis reserve talents cultivation system of three modes (the mode of amateur sportsschool, club, personal training mode). Discussion and make research from differentperspective on material selection, training, learning and competition of Xuzhou teenagetennis reserve talents cultivation. And puts some forward corresponding comments tothe existing problems. To provide a theoretical basis and reference for promote theXuzhou and even the same level of city teen tennis healthy development. To get the following conclusions through investigation and research:1Diversification of forms of the young tennis reserve talents training in the city ofXuzhou mainly includes amateur sports school, clubs and personal training model.Amateur sports school is still primarily responsible for the work of training of thereserve talents2The young tennis players in the city of Xuzhou are from the full-time middle andprimary schools, which use their spare time to participate in the training. The athletesage structure Kentucky is larger in the amateur sports school, but the number is sharplyfrom the beginning of the13-year-old.So, echelon construction is not reasonable. Theathletes academic achievement is good, and their parents support degree is higher, is infavor of cultivating reserve talents.3Xuzhou amateur sports school coaches teach age and title is more reasonable,and those coaches have professional athletes experience, however, the age structureappears the fault phenomenon. The excellent retired athletes are not willing to do thegrass-roots work, is the main reason for the lack of personnel. While the coaches ofclubs and family personal training mode age is younger, and their coaching ability isuneven.4Xuzhou amateur sports school coaches have certain scientific basis for theselection, but lack of psychological factors and will quality assessment. Coaches usuallyregard as the athletes family economic status important, it can appropriate to reduce thechances of talent athletes give up training in the later.5The amateur sports school training venues and facilities in the city of Xuzhou aregood, generally equipped with specialized for young tennis training field, it canbasically meet the training needs. The funds include the financial appropriation and thetraining costs paid by athletes. The training time and frequency can get guarantee. Thetraining content is basic accuracy, but general lack of athlete psychological training. Theclub’s source of training funds is single, only rely on the athletes training expenses paid6The young tennis reserve talents in the city of Xuzhou have few opportunity toenter the competition, the amateur sports school athletes to participate in the1~2provincial games a year. The club individual players will choose to participate in the national youth tennis tournaments on their own expense.7The problems of young tennis reserve talents cultivation in the city of Xuzhou:the amateur sports school athletes echelon construction is unbalanced, the elder athletesare few. The coaches age structure appears fault and their treatment is low, the amateursports school is lack of excellent coaches. The club sources of cultivation funds areinsufficiency and lack of investment. The reward system of coaches is not clear.

【关键词】 网球青少年后备人才培养
【Key words】 tennisteenagerreserve talentscultivation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

