

Survey and Analysis about the Market of the Swimming Training in Suzhou City

【作者】 吴垚

【导师】 胡乔;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会经济水平的发展,家庭的收入和生活水平的不断提高,人们对生活质量的要求不断提升,丰富业余生活以及增强自身体质,增进个人健康的需求不断攀升,在体育方面的消费也成逐年增长的趋势,而获得一些体育项目知识,掌握体育技能是进行科学体育锻炼的基础,体育培训行业在市场需求的背景下快速发展。游泳技能作为一项有效的健身方式,在暑期尤为受到消费者的追捧。而游泳技能需要通过系统的学习才能较为熟练的掌握,因此,苏州市区游泳培训市场在每年的暑期需求程度极大,众多游泳场所都开设培训机构来满足消费者需求,从而形成了较大规模的游泳培训市场。本文通过对苏州市区游泳培训市场发展现状的调查,旨在基于调查的基础上,获得苏州市区目前游泳培训市场发展的资料,研究该市场发展中的规律,对该市场发展提供理论依据,并对体育培训行业的发展提供借鉴和参考。通过本研究主要得出以下结论:一、通过对苏州市区游泳培训市场主体的现状调查与分析得出,在经营机构方面,呈现出两大阵营的格局,经营形式呈现多元化发展趋势;在服务人员方面,服务人员的业务水平有待进一步提升;在消费者方面,游泳培训市场的开发潜力较大。二、通过对苏州市区游泳培训市场客体的现状调查与分析得出,在游泳培训服务的营销方面,营销策略有待进一步改进,营销力有待进一步提升;在服务质量方面,是苏州市区游泳培训市场进一步发展,迫切需要提高的方向;行政管理在游泳培训市场的发展和服务质量的提升中发挥了积极的作用。三、游泳培训产品的季节性、区域性特点是制约培训机构发展的主要客观因素。针对苏州市区游泳培训市场存在的问题,本文建议如下:一、在苏州市区游泳培训市场主体方面,加强对规模较大场馆的管理,引导规模较小机构的规范经营;形成完善的员工培训机制,加强服务人员的培训。二、在苏州市区游泳培训市场客体方面,应创新营销策略,增强消费者的需求,开发市场;提升服务质量,重视口碑建设。三、面对游泳培训产品季节性、区域性等局限属性制约市场发展,应调整营销思路,改变经营理念,创新发展渠道,以改善和弥补产品的局限性。

【Abstract】 With the development of society economy level, family income and livingstandards continue to improve, people ’s quality of life requirements continue toimprove, enrich the amateur life and enhance their physique, improve personal healthdemand continues to rise, in sports consumption is also a growing tendency year by year,and get some knowledge of sports, master of sports skill is the foundation of scientificsports training, sports training industry in the rapid development of the market demandin the background.Swimming skills as an effective way of fitness, in summer is particularly soughtafter by consumers. While swimming skills needed by the system to study and master,more skilled therefore, great city swimming training market in Suzhou in the summerdemand every year, many swimming place open training institutions to meet consumerdemand, thus forming a large scale You Yongpei training market. In this paper, byinvestigating the present situation of the city swimming training market in Suzhou, isbased on the investigation in Suzhou City, the development of swimming trainingmarket research data, the market in the development of the law, provide the theoreticalbasis for the development of the market, and the development of sports training industryand provide the reference.The main conclusions are as follows:First, through the investigation and analysis of Suzhou city swimming trainingmarket:(1) in the business sector, showing two camps pattern, management form the trendof development;(2) the service personnel, service personnel’s business level needs to befurther improved;(3) on the consumer side, swimming training market and greatdevelopment potential. Second, through the investigation and analysis of the present situation of Suzhoucity swimming training market object:(1) in the swimming training services marketing, marketing strategies need to befurther improved, marketing force needs to be further improved;(2) in terms of qualityof service, it is a further development of the city swimming training market in Suzhou,there is an urgent need to improve the direction;(3) play a positive role in promoting thedevelopment of administrative management in the swimming training market and thequality of service.Third, swimming training product seasonal, regional characteristics is the mainobjective factors restricting the development of training institutions.In view of the existing problems of Suzhou city swimming training market, thispaper suggests as follows:First, in the city of Suzhou swimming training market main body:(1) the strengthening of the larger venue management, guide and standardize themanagement of smaller institutions,(2) formed the perfect employee training system,strengthen the training of service personnel.Second, in the urban area of Suzhou swimming training market object:(1) the marketing strategy innovation, enhance consumer demand, the developmentof the market,(2) improve the quality of service, pay attention to reputation building.Third, in the face of swimming training product seasonal, regional limited propertyrestrict market development, should adjust the marketing idea, change management idea,innovation development channels, to improve and make up for the limitations of theproduct.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

