

Study on Humane Care of Poor Students in Colleges and Universities

【作者】 丁敏

【导师】 范俊玉;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 思想政治教育, 2013, 硕士


【摘要】 伴随着我国经济体制和高校体制的改革,高校贫困生问题已经成为我国高校普遍存在的热点问题。在党和政府的关怀下,近几年国家在高校贫困生的资助上加大力度,也取得了显著的成效,但是侧重点却放在了物质资助上,而对这一弱势群体的思想状况、心理状况却关注较少,缺少足够的人文关怀。因此,笔者基于思想政治教育的视角,试图从贫困生的精神世界出发,探究高校贫困生人文关怀的途径,以增强高校贫困生思想政治教育的实效性、人文性,也希望对我国的高校贫困生工作的开展起到抛砖引玉的作用。全文共由五部分组成:第一部分,引言部分。通过对学术界对高校贫困生思想政治教育人文关怀这个课题的研究现状分析,确定了本课题研究的方向和角度;从研究背景出发探究了本课题研究的理论意义与实践意义;提出了本课题的研究方法为文献分析、比较研究、实证研究和理论交叉等。第二部分,在分析前人对“贫困生”、“人文关怀”、“思想政治人文关怀”相关概念研究的基础上,分析“高校贫困生思想政治教育人文关怀”的内涵与外延,并以国内外经典的理论研究为基础,探究人文关怀的理论渊源。第三部分,从经济关怀、心理关怀、思想关怀和发展关怀四个方面阐述了高校贫困生人文关怀的内容;从对象的多样性和复杂性、内容的特殊性和层次性、情感性和艺术性等方面探究了高校贫困生的特征,以期更好地理解高校贫困生人文关怀的涵义,以助更好地解决高校贫困生人文关怀问题。第四部分,着重分析了目前高校对待贫困生问题存在的一些误区,从个体需要关怀意识缺失、对个体需要层次把握不准、高校思想政治教育工作者素质有待提高和合力不足等方面阐述了高校贫困生人文关怀缺失的表现,探究了高校贫困生人文关怀缺失的原因。第五部分,主要针对当前高校贫困生人文关怀出现的问题,从构建完善的贫困生帮扶资助体系、逐步健全贫困生心理健康教育体系、建立一支高效的思政教育队伍、加强对贫困生的道德教育、自我教育,充分发挥其主体地位四方面提出了来解决人文关怀缺失的对策。

【Abstract】 Along with the reform of our country economic system and the university system,the problem of poor university students has become a hot issue of common in china.Under the party and the government of care, in recent years, the country improved theuniversity students’ aid, and obtained remarkable result, but the emphasis is the materialaid, and the mental and mind of the vulnerable groups is less attention, lacking ofhumanistic care enough. Therefore, the author from the perspective of Ideological andpolitical education, tries into the poor students’s spiritual world, to explore ways ofhumane care of poor college students, in order to enhance the poor college studentsideological and political education and hope for playing an important role in poorcollege students’ work. The thesis is composed of five parts:The first part, the introduction. Through the analysis of current research situationof academic circles on College Students’ Ideological and political education ofhumanistic concern, the direction and the angle of the research were determined;starting from the research background, research the theory and practice significance;Using methods of literature research, comparative study, empirical study and theorycrossover study to study this topic.The second part, analysing of previous on the study of "poor students","humanistic care","the ideological and political humane care", analyse the connotationand denotation of poor college students ideological and political education of humanecare,and with the classic theoretical study of domestic and foreign as the basis,researches on the origin of humanistic care.The third part, humanistic care for poor students in Colleges and universities of the content have the four aspects: economic concern, psychological care, thought anddevelopment care; Beginning the diversity and complexity of the object, the special andhierarchy of content, emotion and artistic researches the poor college studentscharacteristics, in order to better understand the the meaning of humanistic care andsolve the humanistic care of students in Colleges and universities.The fourth part, focuses on the analysis of some mistaken ideas existing theproblem of poor students. The individual needs lack,the individual needs levelimpropriety, the ideological and political education workers’ quality and ability areinterpreted,explores the reasons of the deficiency of humanistic care for poor students inColleges and universities.The fifth part, mainly aims at the current poor college students humanistic careproblems, from the establishing the poverty students helping funding system, graduallyimproving the system of poor students’ psychological health education,building aneffective ideological and political education team, to strengthen the poor students of selfeducation and moral education, play the main role to solve the problem of humanisticcare lack.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

