

Language Skills Training System Usability Study and Optimize Design

【作者】 高宏远

【导师】 文福安;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 教育技术学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 语言技能训练系统是一种依托于网络及多媒体技术的一个数字化教学系统,其多元化的教学手段和可喜的教学实践成果都表明着该系统在教育教学中的重要意义和广阔前景。然而在实际使用中也发现,软件可用性问题的存在,很大程度上影响着教学进程的推进和教学效果的实现。随着软件可用性理论的不断发展成熟,结合教学系统存在的可用性问题,目前进行系统可用性研究和优化的时机已经成熟,本研究对于系统的可用性提高带来的教学效果的提升有着重要意义。本研究全面科学地对语言技能训练系统进行了可用性分析,优化设计,尤其在最后运用教学实践环节检验了实际优化效果,并通过使用人员的反馈获得更加直观的系统可用性情况的现状。很大程度上消除了系统可用性问题对教育教学效果的负面影响。本论文中描述的语言技能训练系统是一个功能强大的网络教学系统,系国家科技部“十五”期间为推进教学系统软硬件的国产化所设立的国家重大科技攻关项目的一个专题。笔者在查阅国内外文献的基础上,分析比较了国内外目前可用性研究的发展现状。课题研究运用可用性测试、优化设计、教学实践的时间顺序作为流程,以教育技术学理论和软件可用性相关理论做指导,详细介绍了语言技能训练系统可用性问题的分析,并着重进行了对系统的可用性测试,优化,实践等,以期能够在提高系统有效性和效率的同时,提高用户满意度,给用户带来愉悦的学习享受,提高教学效果,在此基础上笔者对本系统进行全面合理的可用性测试,进行优化方案的设计,提出了系统页面设计规范,并在教学实践环节对系统的优化成果做出了检验,并且对反馈数据做了统计学分析,得出了极具可信度的教学实践结论。最后笔者对语言技能训练系统今后的可用性研究思路做了简要说明。

【Abstract】 Language skills training system is a digital teaching system which relying on the network and multimedia technology, its wide range of teaching methods and encouraging teaching practical results show that the system has important significance in teaching and excellent prospects. However, in actual use, also found that the presence of software usability issues, largely affecting the implementation of the advance of the process of teaching process and teaching effectiveness. With the continuous development of mature software usability theory, combined with the teaching system usability issues, system availability and optimization time is ripe. This study is of great significance for the enhancement of the teaching effect.This study has a comprehensive scientific availability analysis and design optimization to language skills training system, especially, in the final, use the Teaching Practice test the actual optimization results, and get a more intuitive system availability status quo through the feedback of the user of system, Largely eliminate the negative impact on the education effect of the system by availability issues.Language skills training system described in this paper is a powerful network education system, a topic of national key scientific and technological project of the Department of the Ministry of Science and Technology in "10th Five-Year Plan" period, which established intend to promote the teaching system hardware and software localization.Author browse domestic and international literature, analysis and comparison of the development status of usability studies.This study use of usability testing, optimization design, the chronological teaching practice as a process, relay on the theory of educational technology and software availability, and Introduction detailed of the language skills training system availability analysis, and focus on system usability testing, optimization, practice, in order to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the system, at the same time, improve customer satisfaction, giving users the pleasure of learning, and improve the effectiveness of teaching. Summary, the author of this paper make comprehensive and reasonable availability test, design optimization, and design specifications of the system page. And make a Teaching Practice in order to test system optimization results, and feedback data to do a statistical analysis, come to the very credibility conclusions. Finally, author do a brief description of the language skills training system availability research in the future.


