

Design Andimplementation of the3D Streaming Media System

【作者】 赵予汐

【导师】 全子一;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 随着显示技术、信号处理技术和电子电路技术的发展,如今观看3D视频对于普通人来说已经变得非常容易。3D视频内容越来越多,消费者对于3D的兴趣也与日俱增。支持3D节目的设备出现了全球性的爆发式增长。但是目前很多关键问题还没有解决。例如多视角的立体视频数据量成倍增加,与有限的传输带宽相互矛盾;立体视频源数量有限,通过广播和因特网等渠道能观看的立体视频不能满足观看者需求。针对以上问题,本文设计并实现了一个完整的3D流媒体播控系统。本系统采用上下拼接式的帧兼容格式,无缝兼容传统的2D视频系统。因此解决了多视角大数据量与信道带宽的矛盾。同时系统可以实现用户将已有视频进行在线转码,转换为立体视频,从而增加了可观看的立体视频的数量。本文根据系统的特点,设计了一个立体视频播放器,可以实现在线点播功能。播放器可以根据需要,播放红蓝模式和偏振式模式的立体视频。本系统以网页/服务器的形式实现。用户可以通过网页访问服务器,提交转码需求,将视频转换为3D立体视频后观看。转码的视频源可以为传统2D视频,通过2D转3D技术实现转码;也可以是3D蓝光光盘中的视频文件,通过MVC解码技术实现转码。用户将待转码视频上传至指定FTP,并向系统发出转码请求。转码后系统自动将转换后的3D视频上传至指定FTP。用户可以从FTP下载视频观看,也可以使用本文中所设计的立体视频播放器在线观看。本系统后台采用服务器集群实现,能够高效地处理用户请求。系统具有友好的人机交互界面和良好的视频观看效果。

【Abstract】 With the development of display technology, signal processing technology and electronic circuit technology, now watching3D video has become very popular. There are more and more3D video content, and consumer’s interest in3D isincreasing. Devices that support3Dhave seen worldwide growth. But many of the key issues have not been resolved. Such as the multipled multi-view data conflicts with transmission bandwidth;limited stereo video sourcecan notsatisfy the viewer.To solve these problems, we designed a complete3D streaming media playback and control system using frame compatible format, which was seamless compatible with traditional2D video system. Thisdecreased the amount of data. While the system ccouldrealize transcoding vieo to3D format online, thereby increasing the number of viewable stereoscopic video. According to the characteristics of the system, we designed a stereoscopic video player, by which users could watch3D video online. The player couldshow video in both anaglyphmode and polarization mode.The system is a B/S system. Users can submit transcoding command through the webpage, and watch the3D video. The transcoded video canbe a2D video or video from Blu-ray Disc. Users can download the video from the FTP aftertranscoding or watch it online.The system can handle users’ command efficiently using server cluster technology and has a friendly user interface and a high image quality.

【关键词】 立体视频流媒体系统立体显示视频播控
【Key words】 stereoscopicmultimediasystemdisplaycontrol

