

Research and Implementation of Geographic Information System-based Virtual Battlefield Situation Display System

【作者】 郭妮娜

【导师】 黄孝建;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 电子与通信工程(专业学位), 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 随着现代战场上武器的升级,作战节奏明显加快,是否能对战场态势实现实时反馈成为影响战争胜负的重要因素。如果不能及时得知战场上发生的任何变化,就无法制定正确的作战计划。战争中,形势瞬息万变,因此,及时清晰准确的把握战场形势在现代战争中至关重要。为了满足战争中对战场形势实时反馈的要求,结合定位导航、地理信息系统等技术的态势显示技术应运而生。系统终端使用定位导航技术,能够实时定位自身位置。终端将自身位置和其他相关信息传送给态势显示系统,系统运用地理信息系统的相关技术,把战场上作战平台的情况以图形化形式展示出来,使指挥人员能够直观形象地了解到战争的状况,从而及时进行作战部署,把握战机,赢取战斗。本论文以实现态势显示系统为目的,首先对态势显示系统中导航终端所使用到的定位导航技术进行研究,并研究了不利用卫星定位实现导航的相对导航相关原理。然后对态势显示系统所要到的相关技术进行研究,包括地理信息系统的开发方法,军标库的建立和态势显示通用性的研究。后两章利用前面所研究的原理,详细论述了态势显示系统和导航终端的实现方法。最后对本文作出总结并对后续工作进行进一步的展望。

【Abstract】 With the escalation of weapons on the modern battlefield, the operational tempo has accelerated markedly, whether or not on the battlefield situation to achieve real-time feedback to become an important factor affecting the outcome of the war. If not promptly informed that any changes occur on the battlefield, the commander can’t develop the right battle plan. On the war, the situation is rapidly changing, therefore, timely and clear and accurate grasp of the battlefield situation is crucial in modern warfare.In order to meet the requirements of real-time feedback to the war on the situation of battlefield, combined with the trend of positioning and navigation technologies such as geographic information systems display technology came into being. The terminal positioning system take use of navigation technology, to locate its own position in real time. Terminal transmit its own position and other relevant information to a situation display system, the system is in the use of geographic information system technology, the battlefield combat platforms is displayed in graphical form, commanding officers can understand the situation of war and intuitive image timely operational deployment, grasp fighter, winning the fight.The purpose of this paper is achieving the Situation Display System. Firstly, the situation display system navigation terminal positioning and navigation technology used to study, and study the use of satellite positioning navigation relative navigation principles. The Situation display system to technology research, including the development of geographic information systems, the establishment of the military standard library and situation display versatility. After two chapters of the use of the principle of the earlier study, discussed in detail the situation display system and navigation terminal achieve. Finally, conclude this article, and make further outlook about the work in the future.

【关键词】 态势显示导航定位地理信息系统
【Key words】 situation displaynavigation locate gis
  • 【分类号】P208;TN27
  • 【下载频次】254

