

Design and Implementation on Dynamic Report of Agro-Industry Monitoring and Warning System

【作者】 刘海雷

【导师】 卢山; 苏志远;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 物流工程(专业学位), 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 随着农产品加工业的物流技术以及物联网技术的发展,我国的农产品物流信息化建设越来越引起人们的关注和重视。而动态报表作为展示信息的常用方式,在农产品物流管理信息系统中也日益发挥着举足轻重的作用。动态报表能使企业及时准确地掌握业务经营状况,从而为企业决策提供支持,从根本上提高企业的经营管理水平。以我国农产品加工业的物流信息化建设为背景,论文研究了基于JAVA EE实现的WEB动态报表关键技术,并运用面向对象分析与设计的思想对B/S架构下的农产品加工业监测分析与预警系统动态报表进行需求分析、系统设计与实现。实现了界面表现层、服务端实现层及数据持久层各层之间的解耦,提高了动态报表的可重用性、可维护性及可扩展性。解决了基于B/S架构系统中报表制作、导出、预览、打印、复杂表头的设计等难题。满足了农业部规划设计研究院每月数据统计分析功能需求,完善了我国的农产品加工业监测预警机制,有利于推动我国农产品加工业的持续快速健康发展。通过在农业部规划设计研究院项目“农产品加工业监测分析与预警系统”以及在亚马逊中国的运输管理部门参与的两个物流项目“卡车预测系统”和“MLPS (multi leg package sorting,异地包裹综合分拣)系统”中的实际应用验证了本通用动态报表模型的正确性、可靠性和灵活性,证明了本设计方案是可以应用推广的。

【Abstract】 With the development of logistics technology especially Internet of Things, China’s agricultural products logistics information construction is becoming more and more aroused people’s concern and attention. As the commonly used way of showing information, dynamic report is increasingly playing a decisive role in agricultural product logistics management information system. Dynamic report can make enterprise timely and accurately grasp business status, so as to provide support for enterprise decision, fundamentally improve the enterprise management level.Taking the Agro-industry logistics information as the background, this paper has researched key technology of WEB dynamic report based on JAVA EE, using the object-oriented analysis and design ideas to accomplish requirement analysis, system design and realization for dynamic report of Agro-industry monitoring and warning system based on B/S architecture. This paper has realized solution of lotus root among user interface layer, service layer and data persistence layer, and has improved reusability, maintainability and scalability of dynamic report. This paper has solved dynamic report’s such problems as generation, export, preview and print, complex meter design and so on. This paper has met the requirements of monthly data statistics and analysis for Chinese Academy of Agricultural Engineering(CAAE), perfected our country’s agricultural product processing industry monitoring and early warning mechanism, will be conducive to the sustained and rapid and healthy development of the agricultural product processing industry in China. Through the practical application of dynamic report in the project of CAAE "Agro-industry monitoring and warning system", and in two logistics projects of Amazon China Trans Admin department "Truck Prediction System" and "MLPS(multi leg package sorting) System", has verified the correctness, reliability and flexibility of the general dynamic report model, which can be practically applied and promoted.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【下载频次】42

