

Zigbee and Arm Technology-Based Intelligent Building Lighting System

【作者】 刘超

【导师】 张永军;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 电子与通信工程(专业学位), 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 随着科技的发展和人们生活水平的提高,人们对建筑的照明系统提出了新的要求,比如控制智能化、节能化,楼宇智能照明系统应运而生。同时,新型照明技术(比如LED和CCFL灯)的日趋成熟,也推进了楼宇智能照明的发展。和家居智能照明系统相比,楼宇智能照明系统,无论在控制理念上,还是在控制灯光的数量上和用户体验的要求上,都有很大区别。它更多地关注于对整个楼宇数量巨大的灯光的智能控制,尤其是对公共场所(如大厅、走廊和楼梯等位置)灯光的自动控制,以减轻手动控制的人力负担,并达到高效、节能、环保的目的。然而,虽然新技术在不断的被发明,人们对照明质量的要求也不断提高,但是目前的照明系统还只能按照旧有的、基于“普通”照明的标准进行设计,行业内急需一套完善的,标准更高的,而且是针对“智能”照明系统的照明标准。同时,鉴于传感器技术和灯光技术的限制,以及视觉舒适性研究的理论局限,现有的智能照明系统大多只具有灯光亮度调节和情景模式切换功能,不能充分满足人们对照明环境健康、节能的需求。本论文分析了楼宇照明系统的特点,具体包括楼宇内公共场所的照明无人管控的特点、楼宇照明设备和传感器设备数量巨大的特点,同时分析了人们对照度、色度的需求,以及对更好的利用自然光的需求。在此基础上,本文设计了绿色、健康、节能的楼宇照明控制方法。实现了一套完整的楼宇智能照明系统。该系统分为处理核心、通信网络和用户控制终端三个部分。我们采用嵌入式Linux系统开发技术实现了处理核心功能,利用Zigbee网络技术构建了系统的通信网络,.利用图形用户界面编程技术实现了用户控制终端。最后我们设计了ARM处理核心、Zigbee网络节点和用户控制终端的硬件原理图,并利用Altium Designer进行了PCB设计。实现了楼宇智能照明系统的的系统样机。论文在首章介绍了楼宇智能照明系统的发展现状和意义。第二章描述了本系’统设计的理论准备。第三章基于以人为本的理念提出了楼宇智能照明系统的设计方案,从系统的总体结构到各个模块的设计方法,都进行了具体的描述。第四章就楼宇智能照明系统的ARM处理核心、Zigbee网络和用户控制终端三个方面,对该系统的实现方法进行了具体介绍,并给出楼宇智能照明系统的演示网络和各个管控模块的硬件样机。最后,论文进行了个工作总结和楼宇智能照明系统的前景展望。

【Abstract】 With the development of science and technology and the improvement of people’s living standard, people proposed new requirements for architectural lighting system, such as intelligent controlling, energy-saving, which gave rise to the intelligent light-ing industry. Plus the new lighting technology (such as LED and CCFL lamp) getting matures, intelligent lighting made great development.Intelligent lighting are classified to the part of the smart home system by most of the industries, so much more research on building lighting is needed. At the same time, intelligent building lighting is a relatively new concept. The old lighting standard is not suitable for the new requirements. There is a lack of unified standard within the building lighting industry. Moreover, given the constraints of sensor technology and lighting technology, as well as the theoretical limitations of visual comfort, most of the existing smart lighting only had the function of brightness adjustment and model switching, which can not fully meet the demand of heathy and green lighting environment.This paper analyzed the features of the building lighting system, containing the characteristic that no body is responsible for the lighting of public places, and there are a huge number of the buildings lighting equipment and sensor devices. On the other hand, we analyzed the needs of the people, for example the needs of lighting-chroma, illumination and the requirement of a better use of natural light. After that, we designed a green, healthy and energy-saving method of building lighting controlling. We realized a complete set of intelligent building lighting system, the system was divided into three parts, they are processing core, communication network and controlling terminals. We adopted embedded linux system development technology to achieve the function of the processing core. We also used the Zigbee network technology to build a communication network. At last we used the GUI programming techniques to achieve the controlling terminal. Finally, on hardware, we designed the ARM processing core, the Zigbee network nodes and the controlling terminals, and designed the PCB by Altium Designer.We realized the intelligent building lighting system prototype.In the first chapter the paper introduced the development status and significance of intelligent building lighting system. The second chapter described the theoretical preparation of the system design. The third chapter described the design of intelligent building lighting system specifically, from the overall structure of the system to the design method of the individual modules. The fourth Chapter introduced the. realization of the system, containing the ARM processing core, Zigbee network nods and user controlling terminals, and gave a demonstration network and each module’s hardware prototype. Finally, we made a summary and outlook about the system.

【关键词】 智能照明节能ARMZigbee
【Key words】 Intellengent lightingEnergy savingARM Zigbee
  • 【分类号】TN92;TM923
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】683

