

Optimimization of the Performance Appraisal Sysytem for Telecom Companies

【作者】 刘晖

【导师】 和云;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 企业管理, 2013, 硕士


【摘要】 近年来随着3G移动业务的掀起,国内三大电信运营商逐渐步入全业务运营阶段,这种业务领域的相互重合使得运营商之间的竞争愈发激烈。如何挖掘自身优势,在竞争中取得领先优势成为每一个运营商的管理者所必须考虑的一个问题。同时伴随着人力资本逐渐成为新时代企业核心竞争力的源泉,问题逐渐转变为如何去挖掘企业的人力资源潜能。而促进和激励员工最有效的方法就是对员工进行全面的绩效考核,并且科学有效的个体绩效目标设置往往都是建立在对组织绩效科学的继承和分解的基础之上,即个体绩效要以组织绩效实现为出发点和根本目的。这也使得问题最终落脚到既包含个体绩效也包含组织绩效的绩效考核体系上。目前,越来越多的电信运营商开始采用平衡计分卡来进行绩效考核,但是在具体的应用和操作过程中却暴露出了种种问题。其原因主要有二:一是引入平衡计分卡存在盲目性和跟风性;二是不能结合自身情况对平衡计分卡进行调整性应用。因此本文的主要内容和创新点也聚焦于这两个方面:一是重构了平衡计分卡绩效考核体系,通过引入一个具体企业作为案例对平衡计分卡的四个维度进行调整,包括对财务维度和市场维度的指标进行重构以及加入一个新的创新维度,同时也对相应指标的权重进行重新分配,使其能够更能契合的电信运营商特征;二是构建了电信运营商绩效考核体系优劣的比较维度,通过综合绩效考核发展的趋势和电信运营商自身的特点来构建一套电信运营商绩效考核体系的评价指标,以定性或者定量的方法比较绩效考核体系的优劣,并为电信运营企业进行绩效考核体系的选择和评价提供参考。

【Abstract】 With3G mobile services launched in recent years, the three major telecom operators gradually move to a full-service operation stage. The overlapped of business with each other has made the competition between operators became more and more intense. How to tap their own advantage to gain a leading edge in the competition has become an issue for every manager of the operators. Associated with the human capital has gradually become the source of the core competitiveness, and this issue transformed into how to tap the potential of human resources of enterprises, the most effective method of promote and motivate employees is performance appraisal, and scientific and effective setting of individual performance goals are built on the basis of inheritance and decomposition of organizational performance. In other words, the realization of organizational performance is the starting point and fundamental purpose of the individual performance. And then, the answer of this question eventually settled into the performance appraisal system, which includes organizational performance and individual performance.At present, more and more telecom operators began to use the Balanced Scorecard to performance appraisal, but many problems has exposed in specific applying and operating process. And the reason is two-fold, the first is blindness in introduction of the Balanced Scorecard, the second is telecommunications operators can not be able to apply the balanced scorecard individualized. Therefore the main content and innovations of this paper focused on two systems. First the paper reconstructed the Balanced Scorecard performance appraisal system by adjusting the dimensions, including remodeling financial and customer dimension, and adding a new dimension of innovation. Second author built the performance appraisal system’s comparative dimension for telecom operators for telecom operators. By researching the development trends of performance appraisal and characteristics of the telecom operators, this paper built the index system, which can provide reference for the selection and evaluation of the performance appraisal system for telecom operators, to evaluate the performance appraisal system of telecom operators.

  • 【分类号】F272.92;F626
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】156
  • 攻读期成果

