

Research for Energy Efficiency Theory and Algorithms Based on Interference Coordination

【作者】 侯世博

【导师】 王文博;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 进入21世纪以来,世界各国普遍认识到全球范围内日益增长的能源消耗已经严重影响到人类的生存环境,进而,减少温室效应、保护生态环境的迫切需求,已经将能源问题转变为全人类面临的不可回避的重大挑战和共同使命。与此同时,无线通信正朝着高速率高带宽高能效方向发展,以3GPP为代表的国际标准化组织以及欧盟的EARTH还有美国的GreenTouch都将提升网络能效以及降低系统能耗作为其最新的研究重点。本论文以绿色通信技术为研究背景,以基于干扰协调的高能效理论和方法研究为课题,以973绿色通信和863自组织网络作为项目依托。一方面,从理论研究出发,重点研究了异构网络下考虑异构同频干扰的节能技术以及多载波正交频分复用(OFDM)系统中采用下行协作多点传输技术(CoMP)的能效优先分析;另一方面,在算法实现上,利用凸优化相关理论来得到模型的最优解,实现最优化的能效控制。主要工作和贡献包括以下几方面:首先,针对异构网络OFDM系统中产生的下行同频干扰,提出了一种考虑节能通信的基于小基站群感知技术的干扰协调策略,运用并行向量粒子群优化算法得到了最低能耗的网络配置参数,通过数值仿真验证了所提优化算法在复杂度和性能上的优势。进一步地,本部分所提出的异构网络节能通信的干扰协调方案,在不明显降低系统吞吐性能的前提下,能够很好的提升网络整体的能效,算法复杂度低且具有推广性。其次,针对同构网络从下行两点协作传输的OFDM系统入手,提出了一种基于纳什均衡斯塔克伯格模型优化的功率分配方案。创新点在于区别于传统最大化系统总吞吐量以及QoS的功率控制方案,论文中将最大化系统能效以及总吞吐量作为联合优化目标,通过严密的数学推导,给出了理论上的最优闭式解,并通过仿真验证了所提算法在能效提升方面的优异性。

【Abstract】 Since the21st century, different countries all over the world have already realized that the increasing energy consumption problem has a serious influence on human being’s living environment. Therefore, the imperious demands of reducing greenhouse effect and protecting the ecological environment make the energy problem the most enevadable challenge and common mission that mankind needs to solve. In the meantime, the development of wireless communication is towards the direction of high rate, high bandwidth and high energy-efficiency. As representatives of the international organization for standardization,3GPP,"EARTH" from European Union and American "GreenTouch" all aim to promote energy efficiency of the entire network and reduce the system energy consumption.In the perspective of interference coordination, this paper carries out some research on the theory of energy efficiency and proposes some corresponding algorithms. The work relies on national supported project973Green Communication and863SON. Firstly, from the aspect of theoretical research, this paper proposes an energy saving technique considering co-channel interference in heterogeneous network and analyzes the energy efficiency problem combined with the downlink Coordinated Multiple Points (CoMP) technology in multicarrier orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system. Secondly, as for solving algorithm, we use convex optimization theory to obtain the optimal solution of model parameters, hence, optimize the energy efficiency control.The contributions of this paper include the following aspects:First of all, considering downlink co-channel interference existed in heterogeneous network, we put forward an energy saving interference management strategy based on sensing technology of small base stations. Using parallel vector particle swarm optimization algorithm, we receive the configuration parameters of the whole network’s minimum energy consumption through iteration. Through numerical simulation, we prove the excellent performance and lower complexity of the proposed algorithm. Furthermore, the proposed model and algorithm can be extended to various scenarios.In addition, as for homogeneous network, starting with two cooperative transmission points, we propose a power allocation scheme based on Nash Equilbrium Stackelberg Game optimization. Differing from traditional goals of simply maximizing the system’s throughput, we jointly consider throughput and energy efficiency and set both as objectives. Through strict mathematical deduction, we give out the theoretically closed-form solution, which is validated by computer simulation.


