

Design and Implementation of the Integrated Monitoring System for Bank Security

【作者】 岳博洋

【导师】 白中英;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 计算机科学与技术, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着我国国民经济的快速增长,广大民众改善生活质量的社会需求也在不断提高。特别是公共安全得到了越来越多的关注。在银行这样的特殊场所,采用极端手段暴力抢劫银行的犯罪案件时有发生,这对银行的安全防范系统提出了更高的要求。银行监控系统是在现代化银行建设过程中,为提高安全防范水平,利用先进科技手段所组建的一套监控系统。随着计算机技术、网络技术、多媒体技术等’高科技手段的不断发展,安全防范领域也在进行着不断的发展与变革。本文研究了当前应用于银行安全防范领域的各种监控技术,主要包括视频监控、传感器监控等监控手段。视频监控作为传统的监控手段,从模拟监控到数字监控,再到如今的网络监控,发展迅速。当前各个银行系统的视频监控系统往往彼此独立,缺乏统一的管理,对视频集中化管理平台技术的研究是本论文的重要内容之一;基于任务调度策略的视频监控任务分配技术能够为集中的视频监控效率提升带来很大帮助,对视频监控任务的智能分配技术的研究是本论文的一项内容;传感器监控系统作为一种高灵敏性防范系统应用于银行等多种场所。当前传感器系统缺少与其他系统互联互通的接口,在传感器发生报警时往往“只闻其声,不见其人”。将传感器系统与视频监控进行有效的联动结合是本论文研究的内容之一。本文所做工作基于某省公安厅下辖保安公司的银行安全防范项目,在研究视频监控技术、传感器监控系统技术的基础上,整合各分布式系统的功能,设计并实现了一套安防综合监控系统。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with the rapid growth of China’s national economic, social needs of the majority of people to improve the quality of life has constantly improved. Especially public safety has been paid for more and more attention In Banks such special places, using extreme means of violent the bank robbery criminal cases have occurred, the security system of the bank has put forward higher requirements. Bank monitoring system is the formation of a monitoring system to improve the level of security with the use of advanced scientific and technological means in the modern bank building process. With the continuous development of high-tech means of computer technology, network technology, multimedia technology, the field of security is also under constant development and change.This paper studies the various monitoring techniques currently used in the field of bank security, including video surveillance, sensor monitoring, and other means of monitoring. Video surveillance as a traditional means of monitoring, to digital from analog surveillance monitoring, network monitoring to now, has developed rapidly.. Various video surveillance system of the banking system are often independent of each other, because of the lack of a unified management, the Video centralized management platform technology is one of the important content of this paper; and centralized task scheduling strategy-based video surveillance task allocation techniques is very helpful to improve video monitoring efficiency, intelligent distribution technology for video surveillance task is an important part of this paper; Sensor monitoring systems used in banks and other places as a highly sensitive guard system lacks interface with other systems, so interconnected sensor alarm occurs often only hear its sound, but not its people. The Combination of sensor system and video surveillance to improve efficiency of monitoring system is one important part of this paper. Work in this paper is based on a provincial Public Security Bureau under the jurisdiction of the security company. Bank security project studies video surveillance technology, sensor monitoring system technology based on the integration of distributed systems. And finally a set of security monitoring systems has been designed and accomplished.


