

Research and Practice of Video Image Quality Test Technology

【作者】 梁志敏

【导师】 李文生;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 计算机科学与技术, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文的主要内容是视频图像质量检测技术的研究与实践。视频图像质量的评价方法有很多种,通常从清晰度、色偏、对比度和信噪比等几个方面来衡量,而对图像清晰度的检测是难点也是重点。本文主要从清晰度方面针对两类典型的视频质量问题展开相应的研究,并进行检测和评估。一类是马赛克问题,它是典型的由于传输过程中的网络质量受到干扰而导致信息误码造成的,也有人为因素添加上去的;第二类是斑点问题,它是由于数字播放介质播放次数过多或受到污染而产生的。本文从视频清晰度入手,建立了视频质量评分标准,采用客观评价法,针对马赛克和斑点这两类常见的视频质量问题,分别建立了质量检测模型,开发了一个视频图像质量检测系统。利用该系统可以对被测视频中出现的质量问题进行全面的检测和分析,并根据检测结果形成检测报告,给出被测视频质量评价等级。

【Abstract】 The main content of this paper is video image quality detection technology research and practice.There are a variety of video image quality evaluation methods,usually from aspects such as clarity, color cast, contrast and signal-to-noise ratio to measure,but detection of image clarity is not only difficult but also focus.In this paper,we mainly from the aspects of definition to study two kinds of typical video quality problems and detection and assessment.The first category is the mosaic problem, it is a typical result in loss of information due to the quality of the transmission network disruption caused, and add the mosaic of artificial factors.The second category is the blot problem,it is generated by the excessive number of digital playback media player or contamination.This paper from the definition of video,establish scoring criteria of video quality,and use of objective evaluation method for two common types of video quality problems such as mosaics and blotches,namely the establishment of quality testing model, the development of a video image quality detection system. The system to comprehensive testing and analysis, and a test report according to the test results can be measured video quality problems, given the measured video quality assessment level.


