

The Impact of Privacy Concern on Users’ Usage Intention of Mobile Payment

【作者】 刘雯雯

【导师】 黄逸珺;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 手机支付因为其操作简单,不受时间空间限制的特性,为用户交易带来了极大的便利。与传统的支付方式相比,手机支付具有更大的灵活性,用户可以使用手机支付随时随地进行交易。然而,在为用户带来便捷性的同时,手机支付也存在隐私安全的隐患。一方面,手机支付使服务提供商能够获取用户的金融数据。另一方面,在用户交易的过程中,服务提供商还能够记录和分析用户消费行为,进而掌握用户的消费习惯。金融数据和个人消费信息对用户来说都是相当隐私和敏感的,这就引发了用户对个人信息隐私泄露及滥用的担忧,阻碍了手机支付业务的进一步发展。本文主要从用户隐私关注的角度来研究手机支付使用意向的影响因素,以信任——风险模型为基础构建了隐私关注与用户使用意向的关系模型,同时还考虑了不同敏感性信息以及人口统计变量对用户隐私关注的影响。本文主要做了以下三方面工作:第一,通过阅读国内外学者的相关研究文献,对手机支付、隐私、隐私关注的内涵和研究成果,以及隐私关注对用户使用意向的直接影响作用和间接作用进行了详细的综述。研究国内外学者在相关领域的文献资料,为本文研究模型的提出及问卷设计等做好理论准备。第二,在文献综述的基础上,建立了基于隐私关注的手机支付用户使用意向研究理论模型,并考虑了手机话费支付以及银行卡支付两种不同的支付情境,以研究在不同敏感性信息情境下用户隐私关注、使用意向,以及相关影响因素的差异。第三,通过问卷调查的形式获得研究数据,并利用SPSS及LISREL分析软件进行检验分析,得出研究结论,提出相应的管理策略建议。最后指出本文研究中的不足以及今后的研究方向。

【Abstract】 With characteristics of easy to use and no restrictions of time and space, mobile payment brings great convenience for people’s transaction. Compared with traditional mode of payment, mobile payment has greater flexibility. Users can carry out transactions via mobile payment anytime and anywhere. However, while bringing convenience for users, there still exists the risk of privacy safety. On one hand, mobile payment service providers can get user’s financial data. On the other hand, in the process of user transaction, service providers also can record and analyze users’ consumption behavior, and then grasp users’ spending habits. Financial data and personal consumption information are quite private and sensitive to users, these may lead to users’concerns about leakage and abuse of personal information, which will impede the further promotion of mobile payment services.This paper specifically studies the factors affecting use intention of mobile payment from the perspective of users’ privacy concern. Based on the trust-risk model, the relational model of privacy concern and use intention is constructed. The model also takes into account the impact of different sensitivity of information and demographic variables on users’ privacy concern.This paper mainly does the following three aspects of work:First, through investigating the related literatures of international and domestic scholars, the paper conducts the literature review of the concept and research results of mobile payment, privacy, privacy concern, as well as direct and indirect effects of privacy concern on users’ use intention. Through the literature research of the related fields, the theoretical preparation of proposing the conceptual model and designing questionnaire has been made.Second, on the basis of literature review, this paper builds a research model on user’s use intention of mobile payment based on privacy concern. It also considers two different payment scenarios of mobile phone bill payment and bank card payment, in order to investigate the differences of privacy concern, use intention and other influencing factors under the contexts of different information sensitivity.Third, the research data is obtained through the questionnaire survey and draw the conclusions by analyzing the data through SPSS and LISREL software. And then, management suggestions and practical management strategies are put forward. Finally, the deficiencies in this study and research prospects are pointed out.


