

Research and Analysis of Management Standardization of Logistics

【作者】 龙丽莉

【导师】 张翼;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 信息管理与信息系统, 2013, 硕士


【摘要】 近十年来,我国互联网行业迅猛发展,它的日益强大给电子商务提供了前所未有的发展空间。而自从电子商务走进人们的生活,网上购物开始慢慢成为人们生活中的主要的购物方式之一。这种足不出户便能购买自己心仪商品的快递服务给消费者们提供了极大的便利。由于快递是广大消费者最直观最易接触到且引发大众关注的物流形式,本文将从我国快递物流作为切入点和重点,以小见大对我国国内物流管理进行分析和研究。本文首先对权威快递物流相关文献进行了阅读分析,针对现有文献的缺口和目前新的快递形式提出了具体的快递物流研究问题;然后一方面通过多案例研究法,归纳对比法等研究方法对外资联邦快递,国内私营的标杆顺丰和中小快递企业的代表圆通快递分别进行分析,对比三者问的差距。寻求成功的快递营业的共同点,分析其管理模式,服务体系等;通过数据和案例比较清晰且有说服力的展示一条清晰的快递发展道路;另一方面,将我国近两三年来最近颁布关于快递行业的法律法规进行解读和分析,研究其对我国快递行业我影响和作用。通过这两方面的分析和研究,本文作者构建了一个快递物流企业的理论发展模型,以此解释多案例分析中的企业为何能成为标杆,进而提出一些对我国快递行业有借鉴价值的管理方法和改革方向,从而实现我国快递行业的竞争力全面提升和向高端化快递服务的转型改革;并期望同时能以快递物流为例为给我国整个物流行业的规范化发展提供一些参考。

【Abstract】 In recent ten years, thanks to the rapid development of Internet, E-commerce is growing up in at unprecedented speed. Online shopping became a fashion in which brought great convenience to customers in China. Express delivery industry plays a key rolein this process which attracts the attention from academics and government. For that express delivery is the most common and popular format of logistics, this paper will mainly study and analyze the express delivery, as a breakthrough point and key point, and then take deep consideration on the logistics management in China.At first, the author of this paper had read many authoritative literatures about the express delivery and logistics management, and then put forward some concrete research questions due to the flaws of the existing literatures and the new format of modern logistics. After that, by the multiple case study method and inductive and contrast method, this paper makes deep analyze respectively on foreign Federal Express, Chinese local benchmark SF Express and other medium-sized and small express enterprises, and compare the difference among the three kinds of enterprises, from which we can find the common ground of a successful express enterprise and study its management model and service system and show a clear development road for the express enterprise. On the other hand, through explaining and studying the laws and regulations about the logistics industry of our country issued in recent years, we can decide the influence and affect of the law and regulation on the logistics industry.From the above, this paper has constructed a theoretical development model of express logistics enterprise, aiming at explaining how the enterprise in the research of multiple case study becomes a benchmark and proposing some useful and valuable management methods and reformation direction. The author expects that this paper will provide reference to the management standardization of Chinese whole logistics industry, taking express delivery for example, and help to complete the reformation and improve the competitive power of our logistics enterprises.


