

A Study on the Human-land Relationships of China’s Urban and Rural under the Background of Urbanization

【作者】 李雷

【导师】 严金泉;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 土地资源管理, 2013, 硕士


【摘要】 当前中国正处于城镇化快速推进时期,但由于城乡二元结构体制的存在,扩张型城镇化带来的城镇建设用地指标日趋紧张局面和农村人口非永久性城乡迁移导致的农村空心化及农村建设用地低效利用的城乡土地利用矛盾问题日趋严重。本文分别以江苏省苏州市和山东省李庄村为例分析了城镇化背景下的城市人地关系和农村人地关系,主要采用了深度访谈法和问卷调查法对苏州市城镇化发展情况以及李庄村农村人地关系情况等进行了实证资料搜集,在资料整理的基础上对苏州市和李庄村的人地关系进行了对比分析。基本结论及政策建议:中国城镇化背景下的城乡人地关系存在着极大的不协调性,一方面是城市地区由于常住人口的不断增加而使得城市空间快速扩张,城市建设用地指标日渐吃紧;另一方面是农村地区由于农民市民化进程缓慢而导致城乡两栖占地现象的大量存在,造成城镇建设用地紧张和农村建设用地利用粗放。然而导致这种城乡土地利用矛盾出现的根源就是中国城镇化进程中人口城镇化与土地城镇化的不协调性。因此,笔者基于土地发展权的观点,以宅基地复垦置换建设用地指标为出发点,提出建立城镇建设用地指标全国调配制度的构想,以促进土地城镇化与人口城镇化的协调发展和城乡土地利用矛盾问题的解决。

【Abstract】 China is staying the period of rapid urbanization currently, But because of theurban-rural dual structure system, the dilated urbanization brings about the situation thatthe urban construction land indicators are becoming less and less, and thenon-permanent migration of the rural population between urban and rural areas leads torural hollowing and rural construction land extensive utilization. The urban and ruralland-use contradiction problems become increasingly serious.It is respectively taking Suzhou city and Lizhuang village as the examples toanalyze the urban human-land relationship and the rural human-land relationship underthe background of urbanization in this paper. It is mainly adopting the depth interviewmethod and questionnaire investigation to collect empirical data of the development ofSuzhou city urbanization and Lizhuang village human-land relationship etc, and then thehuman-land relationships contrastive analysis of Suzhou city and Lizhuang village iscarried out based on the data compilation.Conclusions and recommendations: There is a great incompatibility between urbanand rural human-land relationships under the background of China’s urbanization. Onthe one hand, the sustained increase of the city’s permanent resident population resultsin the rapid expansion of city space and the increasingly tense situation of the urbanconstruction land indicators; On the other hand, the amphibious covering problembetween urban and rural areas is more and more serious due to the slow peasant’scitizenization process, which causes the tension of urban construction land indicatorsand the rural construction land extensive utilization. However, the root cause that results in the urban and rural land-use contradiction problems is the incompatibility betweenthe population urbanization and the land urbanization. Therefore, basing on the point ofthe land development right and taking homestead land reclamation and urbanconstruction land indicators displacement as the starting point, I put forward the designof the National Deployment System of the Urban Construction Land Indicators in orderto promote the coordinate development between the land urbanization and thepopulation urbanization and the settlement of the urban and rural land-use contradictionproblems.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

