

Analyses of the Tactics in Tennis Matches Based on Game Theoretic

【作者】 李德平

【导师】 潘晟;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 博弈论,是研究各个相关行为主体的决策行为在相互作用、相互影响的假定条件下,理性的行为主体如何进行决策,以及这种决策的均衡等问题的理论,博弈双方的预测能力、实际的行为选择以及他们之间的最优选择是博弈论的研究重点。博弈是指某个个人或是组织,面对一定的环境条件,在一定的规则约束下,依靠所掌握的信息,从各自可供选择的行为或是策略中进行选择并加以实施,并从中各自取得相应结果或收益的过程,是研究具有斗争或者竞争性质现象的数学理论和方法,也是运筹学的一个重要学科。本研究主要运用博弈论的基本原理、思维方法和分析方法,从宏观角度来探讨网球比赛战术运用的微观问题。根据国内外体育博弈论的研究成果,结合网球比赛过程中的战术运用,采用文献资料法、案例分析、逻辑分析等方法,对网球比赛中战术的运用过程进行了研究,得出以下结论:(1)根据博弈论的基本原理,通过研究发现网球竞技博弈属于“零和博弈”和“重复博弈”。在竞技比赛实践中,根据双方运动员博弈过程诸因素的关系分析,网球竞技过程既有动态博弈,又有静态博弈。(2)网球竞技博弈中战术选择和战术运用过程的本质和特征是,既有战术行动相继发生的序贯博弈,也有战术行动同时发生的同时博弈;在网球比赛战术选择和运用的序贯博弈过程中,可以运用逆向归纳法,即“向前展望,倒后推理”的方法,寻求最优策略以获得最大收益。(3)在网球比赛战术运用过程中,运动员应该运用的博弈策略原则是:扬长避短,积极运用优势策略,避免劣势策略。(4)路径依赖问题存在于网球比赛战术运用的过程中,它也是影响比赛胜负的重大因素之一;运动员要突破自身的路径依赖问题应选择正确的混合策略。(5)网球运动员的风险偏好以及风险承担能力受其自身的有限理性、个性心理特征、主观能动性影响,后者又影响战术实施过程中博弈策略的选择和运用。

【Abstract】 Game theory, which mainly studies how rational behavior subject makes itsdecisions as well as how to balance these decisions on the assumption that all relatedbehavior subjects’ decision-making interact with each other, puts its focus on both sides’predictive ability. Game refers to an individual or organization, facing certainenvironmental conditions in certain rules, makes choices from each alternative behavioror strategy relying on the master information and implement them, and from which theyare made the corresponding results or earnings, also, it studies the phenomenon with thecompetitive nature of the struggle or the mathematical theory and methods. Meanwhile,it is also one of the important subjects—Operational research.In this study, we mainly use basic principles, thinking methods and analysismethods of the game theory, to explore micro issues of tennis match tactics from amacro perspective, and the conclusions of the research are as follows:(1) The findings indicate that tennis competition game belongs to the "zero-sumgame" and "repeated game" according to the basic principles of game theory. In thepractice of contests, dynamic game theory and static game theory are both included inon the basis of analysis of factors during the game.(2) After analyzing the game theory,the thesis reveals the natural characteristics oftechnical choice and technical exertion in tennis competitive game theory,in whichthere are successive game theory and spontaneous game theory and the mixed gametheory that include both of them. In the course of successive game theory,every playercan take advantage of the reverse induction of “expecting forward,reasoning backward”to achieve the max profit.(3) In tennis matches tactics application process, the principle athletes should obeyis to select strategies actively to develop and implement dominant strategies, avoiding disadvantageous strategies.(4) The problem of path-dependence exists in the tennis matches tactics, which isone of the most important factors that influence the end of the game. In order to breakthrough the problem of path-dependence, athlete must select the right hybrid strategy.(5) Risk appetite and risk tolerance of the tennis players are influenced by theirown limited rationality, the psychological characteristics of personality, and subjectiveinitiative, which in turn affect the choice and application of the strategy during theprocess of the game on tactics.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

