

Research on the Structural and Process Adjustment of China Women’s National Volleyball Team during the Olympic Cycle

【作者】 董娜娜

【导师】 马建桥;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2013, 硕士


【摘要】 中国女排是否能在2012年的伦敦奥运会上完成中国排协提出的总目标——进入前三,力争金牌,都将取决于此次奥运周期内的结构调整与进程调整。本文运用了专家访谈法、文献资料法、观察法、数理统计法、比较分析法等科研方法,探讨在2008年北京奥运会至2012年伦敦奥运会周期中中国女排人员的阵容配备、人员调整及运动员的身体状态及竞技状态的调整是否具有合理性和科学性,并针对这一调整提出可行性建议,力争为中国女排在今后的世界大赛中取得好的成绩提供理论依据。通过研究分析得出以下结论:1、中国女排结构调整是一个备受关注的过程,2008年北京奥运会之后,中国女排进行了人员的调整,老队员的召回,新队员的加入以及主教练的更换,无一不牵着中国人民的心。2、中国女排结构调整是一个探索尝试的过程,经历了主教练和队员的不断地尝试。王一梅位置的来回调整,老队员张磊张娴的召回,对新人杨珺菁等人的启用,使得中国女排结构经历了试用——调整——再试用——再调整的艰难过程。3、中国女排进程调整是一个反思纠偏的过程,中国女排进程调整从年龄结构、来源结构、阅历结构上分析,在队伍衔接上除2010年没能奏效外,2011年和2012年比较顺利,但2011年的调整效果最佳。4、中国女排进程调整是一个逐步完善的过程,确立了以俞觉敏主教练为指导的领导核心体系,以魏秋月为核心二传,王一梅及惠若琪的强攻为进攻重心,接应张磊的稳定一传和跑动进攻,马蕴雯、杨珺菁的快攻为突破,自由人张娴的有效地救球及一传,中国女排的进程调整已经趋向于合理化。5、中国女排进程调整是一个需要拼搏的过程,此次奥运周期,中国女排主力队员的伤病一直是一件令主教练非常棘手难以解决的难题,不仅需要老女排的拼搏精神,更需要一个的科学化训练和管理的教练团队,加之人性化的管理配套,共同克服种种困难。

【Abstract】 Whether China Women’s National Volleyball Team can achieve the general goal ofwinning one of the first three places while struggling for the gold medal set by ChinaVolleyball Association in2012London Olympics depends on the structural and progressadjustment during the new Olympic cycle.This paper, by means of expert interviewing, documentation method, observationalmethod, mathematical statistic method as well as method of comparative analysis andother scientific methods, discusses the line-up arrangement and adjustment as well aswhether or not the adjustment of the physical state and playing condition of the playersis reasonable and scientific. Then this paper puts forward feasible suggestionsaccordingly in attempt to provide theoretical basis for the victories of this team ininternational games. The following conclusions are drawn through our research:1. The structural adjustment is a process that draws much concern. After BeijingOlympics in2008, the line-up of this team was changed. Several old and experiencedplayers were called back, new players joined in and the head coach was replaced, all ofwhich attracted concerns of the Chinese people.2.The structural adjustment is a process with trials and errors. This processinvolved the joint efforts from both the head coach and the players. The change of theposition of Wang Yimei, the comeback of the old players of Zhang Lei and Zhang Xianand the arrangement of the rookie of Yang Junjing made the structure of this teamchange gradually with difficulty through repeated trials and errors.3.The structural adjustment is a process that emphasizes reflection and errorcorrection. The team analyses the structures of the ages, hometowns and experiences of the players. In2010, the link between old and young player doesn’t work well but goesvery smoothly in2011and2012, best in2011.4.The structural adjustment is a process that perfects itself step by step. The teamestablishes the core system with Yu Jumin as the head coach, Wei Qiuyue as the coresetter, Wang Yimei and Hui Ruoqi as the offense focus. Meanwhile, Zhang Lei, theassistant setter’s stable first passes and running offense, Ma Yunwen and Yang Junjing’ sfast attacks and Zhang Xian, the libero’ s effective saves and first passes all make theadjusting process more reasonable.5.The structural adjustment is a process that needs struggles. During this Olympiccycle, the injuries of the leading players is a difficult problem for the head coach tohandle because this team needs not only the struggling spirits featured by the formerwomen volleyball team, but also a managing team to train the volleyball teamscientifically as well as human-based management to overcome all kinds of difficulties.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

