

A Study on Negative Transfer of Chinese-Japanese Homographs for Japanese Students Who Learn Chinese

【作者】 王亚妮

【导师】 王莹;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 汉语国际教育, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 汉日同形词,广泛存在于汉语和日语中,因为“同形”,所以日本学生在学习汉语时有便利的一面,但又导致学生根据母语对汉语词义进行推测,进而产生误会。在对日本学生的汉语教学中,词汇教学很重要,同形词的教学尤为重要。为了准确把握学生学习汉日同形词时受母语负迁移的程度,本文从词义角度把汉日同形词分为三类,同形同义词、同形异义词、同形近义词。引用日语教材《基础日语》第二册中部分同形词,选择这些同形词设计调查问卷,分析数据,分别总结三类同形词的负迁移情况。在此基础上,结合调查问卷的结论,对对日汉语教学提出几点建议和几种教学方法,教师应该怎样安排教学,学生该怎样去掌握,本文都有表述,这一点对于对外汉语教学具有实际意义。

【Abstract】 The massive existence of Chinese-Japanese homographs facilitates the communication between Chinese and Japanese in a certain degree, but it creates misunderstanding and mistranslation at the same time. The vocabulary study holds an important status in teaching Chinese as a foreign language, especially homograph study.In order to grasp the degree by negative transfer from mother tongue accurately, this paper divides Chinese-Japanese homographs into three categories from the perspective of word meaning, homographs with the same meaning, homographs with the different meaning and homographs with the similar meaning. Referring to the homographs from Japanese textbook 《Basic Japanese》 book two, we select these words to design questionnaire,analyze the data, summarize three types of homographs of negative transfer respectively. On the basis of this conclusion, we put forward several teaching suggestions and methods for Chinese teaching. Teachers should be how to arrange teaching, students how to master, this paper has described. This point has practical significance for teaching Chinese as a foreign language.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】H195.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】219

