

Classifying Models and Algorithms for Communication Signals in Complex Electromagnetic Environment

【作者】 何飞

【导师】 刘肃;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 微电子学与固体电子学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 信号的调制识别在电子战当中占据重要地位,是电子对抗重要前提,只有预先侦测到敌方的信号辐射源,才能有效的对其实施干扰。当前,各种军用、民用雷达、电台的大量使用,使得电磁环境纷繁复杂。如何能够从如此密集、复杂、多变的信号环境中提取并识别有用的信号,成为困扰人们的一大难题。当前的主要困难在于:1、由于电子侦察设备涉及军事机密,能够找到实用性强的指导资料不多,经过长期的调研发现,大部分论文关注的焦点都是学术探讨,提到军事用途的几乎没有;2、系统的可扩充性。前期所做的预研工作,只是针对个别信号的调制识别,后期将对更多的信号进行调制识别,需要考虑在原有系统的基础上进行扩充。3、信号调制识别系统的建模。毋庸置疑,好的模型将极大的缩短系统工程实现周期,并节约系统实现成本,同时也能更好的在实战中发挥效能。本论文针对以上提到的问题,主要做了下面几项工作:(1)开展了大量电子侦查设备调研工作,并和相关领域的工程师进行了探讨,获得了非常宝贵的意见;(2)探索出一套完整的信号调制识别思路,对于后期的系统扩充工作具有很强的指导意义;(3)随机混合不同信噪比的噪声,增强电磁环境的复杂性,使其贴近复杂电磁环境;(4)采用核模糊聚类算法对信号特征参数进行分析,获得了非常好的分选效果。

【Abstract】 Signal modulation recognition play an important role in electronic warfare, electronic countermeasures an important prerequisite for the enemy only pre-detected signal radiation source, in order to effectively imposed interference. Currently, a variety of military and civilian radar, radio extensive use complicated electromagnetic environment. How can extract and identify useful signal in such dense, complex, changing signal environment, become a major problem for people.The main difficulty is:1, Electronic surveillance equipment involving military secrets, it is difficult to find papers about this aspect.After a long period of research, the focus of most of the papers are academic discussion, refer to military purposes almost no;2, The scalability of the system. The pre-made pre-research work, is just for the individual signal modulation recognition, later, the focus is on more signals modulation recognition, need to be considered expansion on the basis of the original system3Give a model of the signal modulation recognition system. Needless to say, a good model will greatly shorten the systems engineering implementation cycle, and take a cost savings, but also better in actual combat effective.The paper focuses on the above-mentioned problems, mainly done this following works:(1) Took a large number of the research work on electronic surveillance equipment, and discussed with field engineers, gained invaluable advice;(2) Researched a complete set of signal modulation recognition approach, which is great guiding significance for the later stages of the system expansion;(3) Mixed different signal-to-noise ratio of the noise for enhancing the complexity of electromagnetic environment, made it close to the complicated electromagnetic environment.(4) Took fuzzy kernel clustering means analysis parameters of the signal characteristics, obtained a very good separation efficiency

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

