

Research on the Spatial Distribution Relationship between Land Intensive Use and Economic Development

【作者】 姜珊珊

【导师】 吴妤;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 土地资源管理, 2013, 硕士


【摘要】 经济的发展产生的替代效应使许多物质的重要性逐渐消减。然而,土地作为人类一切活动的承载者,它的作用却日益彰显。土地资源的稀缺性使得土地的集约利用受到越来越多的关注,地理位置的固定性、质量的差异性,导致不同地区土地资源集约利用程度有所差异。土地作为支持经济发展的自然资源,一般认为,经济越发达,土地投入越多,土地集约利用程度越高;同时,土地的节约集约利用又会促进经济产出,提高经济发展水平。实际上,区域上地集约利用程度与经济发展水平高低在空间分布上并不完全一致,即经济发展水平高的地区不一定土地集约利用程度也高。本文以甘肃省12个行政单元(临夏回族自治州和甘南藏族自治州除外)为研究对象,探讨了甘肃省土地集约利用与经济发展的空间分布特征。本文在借鉴诸多学者研究成果的基础上,结合甘肃省实际情况,建立指标体系,通过熵值法确定各指标的权重,利用多指标加权综合模型对甘肃省12个地级市土地集约利用程度和经济发展水平进行测评,最后运用耦合协调度模型对土地集约利用与经济发展的协调发展度进行评价。在此基础上,对各地级市土地集约利用与经济发展的空间分布特征进行分析,探讨了典型地区两者分布特征的成因,并针对性地提出协调甘肃省土地集约利用与经济发展的对策建议。主要结论如下:(一)甘肃省除兰州和嘉峪关两市外,土地集约利用程度和经济发展水平整体偏低,两市的极化作用明显,涓滴效应不足。(二)甘肃省土地集约利用与经济发展空间分布差异显著,既包括同一地区土地集约利用程度与经济发展水平不协调,也包括不同地区土地集约利用程度、经济发展水平之间的显著差距。前者主要表现在金昌、酒泉、武威、张掖、庆阳、陇南土地集约利用滞后于经济发展,后者主要表现在白银、天水、平凉、定西都处于低水平协调共生阶段。(三)促进土地集约利用与经济的协调发展,必须因地制宜,对于土地集约利用滞后区,需提高土地集约利用程度,对于经济发展滞后区,需提高经济发展水平,对于严重失调衰退区和中度失调衰退区,既要促进土地集约利用,又要促进经济发展。同时,要树立全局观念,发挥兰州、嘉峪关的辐射带动作用,构建合理的区域布局结构。

【Abstract】 The substitution effect economic development brings makes the importance of many substances reduces gradually.However,the land as a bearer of all human activities,its role is increasingly obvious.Land intensive use has attracted more and more attention because of the scarcity of land resources.Geographic location fixity and difference of quality lead to differences of land intensive use in various regions.Land is a natural support resource for the economic development.Generally,the more development of economy,the more investment of Iand,the higher degree of land intensive use.At the same time,the economical and intensive utilization of land will promote the economic output,raise the level of economic development.In fact,differences exist in regional spatial distribution between the degree of land intensive use and level of economic development.Based on the12administrative units of Gansu province(except Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture and Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture),the author discusses the spatial distribution characteristics between land intensive use and economic development in gansu province.In this paper,on the basis of research achievements of many scholars,the author according to the actual situation in Gansu Province,establishes index system,determine the weight of each index through entropy method,and evaluate the degree of land intensive use and the level of economic development of12cities in Gansu province using the comprehensive model of multiple indexes,finally,evaluate the coordinate development between land intensive use and economic development by the coupling coordination degree model.Through the land intensive use,economic development.the coordinate development level,analyzes the spatial distribution characteristics of the land intensive use and economic development,discuss the causes of the distribution characteristics of both in the typical areas.and puts forward some countermeasures to coordinate the land intensive use and economic development of Gansu province. The main conclusions are as follows.A:Gansu province,except Lanzhou and Jiayuguan,the land intensive use degree and economic development level is overall low,the strength of the polarization effect is obvious,and the trickle-down effect is insufficient.B:Spatial distribution of land intensive use and economic development is significantly difference in gansu,both in the same area of land intensive use degree and economic development level is not harmonious,also includes the huge gap between the degree of land intensive use and the level of economic development.The former is mainly that land intensive use lags behind the economic development in Jinchang, Jiuquan,Wuwei,Zhangye,Qingyang,Longnan,the latter is mainly both is at a low level coordination symbiotic stage in Silver, Tianshui,Pingliang,Dingxi.C:To promote coordinated development between land intensive use and economy development,must adjust measures to local conditions.For the hysteresis zone of land intensive use,improve the degree of land intensive use,for economic development lag area,need to raise the level of economic development,for severe and moderate disorder of recession areas,we must promote both the intensive use of land and economic development.Meanwhile,to establish the global conception, play radiating and driving play of lanzhou and jiayuguan,construct the reasonable structure of regional layout.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

