

Research on Price Hearing System of China from the Perspective of Transaction Cost

【作者】 郭高晶

【导师】 江正平;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 行政管理, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济体制和政治体制的改革进程,社会利益多元化,人们的权益意识增强,对民主、科学和高效的公共政策提出了更高的要求。我国公共决策领域进行了诸多变革和创新,其中价格听证制度最为引人注目。为了顺应时代趋势和满足社会需求,国家相关部门制定了《中华人民共和国价格法》、《政府制定价格听证办法》等一系列法律法规,规范了价格听证制度在我国的实施程序,确立了其法律地位和效力,标志着我国价格听证制度的基本建立。然而,价格听证的实践并没有达到制度设计的效果,“逢听必涨”、“听证专业户”、“听证帝”等怪现象层出不穷。一开始民众参加价格听证会的热情高涨,到后来嗤之以鼻,价格听证会被人们冠以“涨价会”,“听证秀”,“走过场”。我国价格听证会到底出了什么问题呢?本文尝试从交易费用理论出发,先从理论上分析了高效率价格听证制度产生的交易费用大小以及内外生交易费用结构比例,构建了交易费用函数;再结合我国价格听证制度建设和实践状况,分析我国价格听证制度产生的交易费用大小以及内外生交易费用结构比例,通过对比两者之间差距,指出我国价格听证制度效率缺失的原因,并为完善我国价格听证制度提出针对性的对策和建议。本文从以下六个部分进行论证。第一章为绪论,介绍了研究背景和研究意义,并进行了国内外文献综述;第二章是问题的提出,首先界定了相关概念,论述了公用事业产品或服务的定价困境和实施价格听证的必要性,最后确定了研究的问题;第三章,分析了理论上价格听证的制度框架和权力信息关系,并构建了交易费用函数;第四章,简单介绍了我国价格听证制度的立法和实践现状;第五章,运用交易费用函数分析了我国价格听证制度的交易费用,并指出了与理论上的差异,分析了我国价格听证制度效率缺失的原因。第六章,系统地提出了完善我国价格听证制度的对策建议;最后的结论部分指出了本研究的不足,并且展望了未来我国价格听证制度的发展。

【Abstract】 Along with the reform of economic system and political system, interests become more complicated in China, and the awareness of rights and interests i enhancing. The people are asking for more democratic, scientific and efficient police. Price hearing system is one of most attracting innovation among the reforms of decision-making. The publish of "PRC Price Law" and "the hearing method of government price-making", regulate the procedures of our country price hearing, and establish the legal status and effect, which mark the establish of price hearing system in China. However, the practice of price hearing haven’t achieved the desired effect. The absurd phenomena, such as "specialized households of price hearing"’,"king of price hearing", emerge constantly. In the beginning, the public are enthusiastic about price hearing. Afterwards, they sniff at it, and regard it as "price-rising hearing","hearing show","go through the motions". What happen to our country price hearing system? From the theory of transaction cost, this article analyses the structure and sum of transaction cost of price hearing theoretically, and establish the function of transaction cost. On the basis of legislation and practice, this paper analyses the transaction cost of our country price hearing system. By contrast, we can conclude the reasons of ineffectiveness of price hearing in our country, and put forward some constructive countermeasures.This article is to relate and analyze from seven parts. Chapter one is introduction, which introduces the background and significance of this study. Chapter two is question presentation, which defines the conceptions concerned, secondly, demonstrates the dilemma of price-making and the necessary practice of price hearing, lastly, raises the question to be investigated. Chapter three analyzes institution framework and right-information chart of price hearing theoretically, and then establish the function of transaction cost. In chapter four, this article reviews the legislation and practice of price hearing in our country. In Chapter five, through the function of transaction cost, this article analyzes the transaction cost of price hearing system in our country, points out the gap between the theory and practice, and reveals the reasons of ineffectiveness. In Chapter six. put forward some constructive countermeasures to optimize our country price hearing system. In Chapter seven, point out the insufficient of this study, and predicts the future development of price hearing in our country.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】F726;D922.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】171
  • 攻读期成果

