

Study on Zengcheng City National Tax Systems Upgrading the Level of Execution of Grass-roots Party Organizations

【作者】 张静音

【导师】 焦克源;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 公共管理(专业学位), 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 随着国家经济社会的快速发展,国税部门在组织税收收入和调节经济结构方面发挥着越来越重要的作用。国税系统基层党组织战斗在税收工作第一线,肩负着“为国聚财、为民收税”的光荣使命,基层党组织执行力的强弱已成为国家税收政策是否落实和税收任务是否完成的关键因素,如何提高基层党组织执行力成为国税系统的一个重要课题。国税部门作为政府的重要职能部门,其执行力的水平直接影响政府的公信力和税收事业的日常工作。而中国共产党作为特殊的政治组织,也面临执行力问题的考验,执行力水平已经成为考量中国共产党执政能力的重要标尺,关系到中国共产党能否引领中国特色社会主义的发展方向。基层党组织与时俱进,全面加强执行力,努力做到“于外善治,于内长安”,以应对不断出现的新问题和新挑战。大力提高国税系统基层党组织的执行力,打造一个能吃苦、能战斗、能打硬仗的组织,才能真正体现税务部门“为国聚财、为民收税”的宗旨。本文以增城市国税系统基层党组织的执行力为切入点,结合工作实际深入分析研究影响国税部门基层党组织执行力弱化的原因,探讨提升执行力的有效途径,有着重要的现实意义。本文主要针对增城市国税系统基层党组织存在的党建工作与税收业务工作结合不紧密、党务工作方法不科学、党工团联动不活跃和日常监督不到位等问题,对增城市国税系统基层党组织的工作理念、管理模式、工作机制、考核制度进行深入分析,从畅通税收工作与党建工作的联动渠道、优化党务组织管理模式、以联动体系丰富党工团联动内涵、以党务公开和目标考核强化日常监督等方面加强管理,以制度化、规范化、程序化、科学化全面提升基层党组织的执行力。增城市国税系统基层党组织的执行力方面存在的问题在国税系统内具有普遍性,研究和解决这些问题将为系统内其他单位基层党组织管理水平的提高提供一条良好的途径,对我国行政单位加强基层党组织建设也有一定的借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of the country’s economic and social, state tax revenues and adjusting the economic structure of sector organizations play an increasingly important role. Tax system tax work of party organizations at the grass-roots battle front line, shoulders "collection of enrichment for our country, for the people" the glorious mission, party organizations at the grass-roots strength of executive power has become the national implementation of tax policy and tax key factor in whether the task is complete, how to improve executive force of grass-roots party organizations become an important subject of the national tax system.The state tax department took the government the important functional departments, it carries out the strength level direct influence government’s male letter strength and the tax revenue enterprise routine work.But Communist Party of China takes the special political organization, also must face carries out the strength question test, carried out the strength level already to become considers the Communist Party of China being in power ability the important rod, whether related Communist Party of China to eagerly anticipate the Chinese characteristic socialism the development direction. Grass-roots party organizations with the times to strengthen the Executive power to achieve "out of good governance, in Chang", in response to new, emerging issues and new challenges. To increase grassroots force of the national tax system, to create an organization able to endure hardship, to fight, to fight, to truly reflect the tax authorities "for the enrichment of the country, in order to tax the people" purposes.This article in Zengcheng city executive power of state taxation system of grass-roots party organizations as the breakthrough point, combined with practical in-depth analysis of causes influencing the state taxation departments to grass-roots party organizations of the weakening, explore effective ways of improving executive power, is of great practical significance.This article is mainly focused in Zengcheng city national tax systems and tax operations of party building of grass-roots party organizations combined not unscientific, party, party affairs work method closely linked issues of less active and ongoing monitoring is not in place, on the work of party organizations at the grass-roots of g municipal concepts, management, working mechanisms, checking system in-depth analysis, from smooth tax work and party building channels, optimize party organization and management models of linkage, linkage system rich connotation, the linkage of the party party open and objective examination to strengthen daily supervision and strengthen management, institutionalization, standardization and scientific procedures, and improve executive force of grass-roots party organizations.Grassroots force of the national tax system, Zengcheng city existing problems within the taxation system are universal, study and solve these problems for other units in the system management of party organizations at the grass-roots level providing a good way, strengthen the construction of party organizations at the grass-roots administrative units have some significance.

【关键词】 基层党组织执行力提升途径
【Key words】 Grass-roots party organizationsExecutionUpgradeWay
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】D267.5
  • 【下载频次】108

