

Study on Innovative of HQC Company’s Management Mechanism

【作者】 曾艳

【导师】 李映洲;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 工商管理(专业学位), 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 随着国有企业改革和市场化进程的深入,探索建立与社会主义市场经济发展需要相适应并能充分体现现代企业制度特点的经营管理人员选拔、考核、激励、监督的管理机制,最大限度地发挥经营管理人员的创新潜力,是国有企业建立规范的现代企业制度,完善法人治理结构的一个重要方面,对提升国有企业核心竞争力具有非常紧迫的现实意义。HQC公司作为某大型央企在深圳的一家子公司,因受传统国有企业人员管理体制长期影响的,在经营管理人员的选用、考评、激励和监督等机制方面,逐步暴露出与市场化发展不相适应的情形,并由此导致出现了经营管理人员管理水平偏低、经营管理人才流失较为严重、职务犯罪频发等问题,已影响了公司的战略性发展和正面形象。值得注意的是,上述问题均不同程度存在于某集团在深圳其他子公司,甚至是深圳的其他国有企业中。本文采用定性分析和定量分析相结合、系统分析与重点分析相结合、理论研究和实际运用相结合的方法,以委托代理理论为基础,运用企业家理论、激励约束等相关理论,通过比较介绍西方两种企业经营管理人员管理模式特点、优势与不足,及由此得到有益的经验及启发,认真客观地分析了本文研究对象——HQC公司中经营管理人员的管理机制的现状及存在的问题,针对其不足之处,分别从引入市场化的经营管理人员的选用机制、建立科学的经营管理人员的绩效考评制度、完善经营管理人员的激励机制、健全经营管理人员的监督约束机制等四方面创新经营管理人员的管理机制,并提出加强董事会建设、建立有效沟通机制、建立严格问责机制、引导建立特色企业文化等四项保障创新机制的实施的措施,以期能充分调动HQC公司经营管理者的工作积极性、进一步完善企业法人治理结构,提升企业管治水平,促进企业持续健康发展。本文对HQC公司经营管理人员管理机制创新的研究,不仅对提升公司市场的核心竞争力,促进企业持续健康发展具有现实的意义,同时也为其他子公司的经营管理人员管理机制的完善与创新提供了有益的借鉴。

【Abstract】 With the reform of state-owned enterprise and marketization, one of the important aspect for SOE to establish standard modern enterprise system and to complete Corporate management structure, is to explore a management system of selecting, assessing, incenting and supervising operating and management personnel which is suitable for socialist market economy and the characteristic of modern enterprise system, to maximize the innovation potential of the managers, which has a very urgent practical significance of improving core competitiveness of SOE.Under the long term impact of traditional SOE personnel management system, HQC company, which is a subsidiary of a large size SOE in Shenzhen, has several aspects uncovered gradually which are not in harmony with the development of marketization, for instance, in the selection, verification, incentives and supervision of the managers. What follow next are some problems from the managers, such as low management skills, brain drain and duty crime which have very bad influence on the image and strategic development. It is a remarkable fact is that the problem mentioned above existing in other subsidiaries in Shenzhen, even in other SOEs in Shenzhen.This paper combines with qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, system analysis and selective analysis, theoretical research and practical application method, based on the principal-agent theory, the entrepreneur theory, incentive and restraint mechanism, in order to analyze current situation of management system and existing problem of HQC company. According to its shortcomings, it provides four methods to innovate the management system for mangers, such as introducing marketized selection system; establishing scientific performance evaluation; completing incentive system and supervision restriction system; at the same time, to put forward four measures that ensuring the implementation of innovation system, such as enhancing construction of the board; establishing effective communication system and strict accountability system; to establishing distinctive corporate culture, in order to fully stimulate the enthusiasm of management of HQC company, to further improve the corporate governance structure, to enhance the corporate governance level, to promote the sustained and healthy development of enterprises.The study on the innovation of management mechanism and management personnel of the HQC Company has several realistic significances, not only to enhance the core competitiveness of the company market, but also to promote the sustained and healthy development of enterprises, meanwhile, to provide a useful reference for the improvement and innovation of mechanism of other subsidiary management personnel management.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】F272.92;F276.1
  • 【下载频次】207

