

Study of Comparison of Changes in the Living Standards of Peasants before and after Land Requisition

【作者】 顾娟

【导师】 严金泉;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 土地资源管理, 2013, 硕士


【摘要】 农民作为征地安置补偿的对象,是决定征地补偿安置各项政策实施效果的微观主体。“确保被征地农民原有生活水平不下降,长远生计有保障”是缓解征地矛盾的关键所在。因此,聚焦征地前后农民生活水平的对比研究,具有重大意义。本文首先选取苏州市娄葑镇为样本地,有效完成了89位被征地农民的问卷与访谈,其次,对比样本地征地前后农民生活水平状况,分析影响被征地农民生活水平产生差异的因素,归纳在保障被征地农民生活水平中存在的问题,最后,在理论研究与实证分析的基础上,提出为保障被征地农民生活水平的若干政策建议,试图推进征地补偿安置政策进一步完善。主要研究结论如下:1.在苏州市娄葑镇,51.25%的被征地农民认为其生活水平因征地而提高,32.5%认为未发生改变,仅有16.25%认为降低;2.实际上,样本地的绝大多数被征地农民的生活水平因征地而发生变化,表现为:家庭人均年收支都呈不同幅度增长,且收入增长幅度快于支出增长幅度,享受的社会保障体系较征地前更完善,由宅基地置换为商品房的新住所使其生活环境有所提升,但邻里交往活动频次减少,且邻里信任度下降;3.虽样本地的被征地农民生活水平保障工作受到认可,但在社会保障体系、居住方式改变、就业转变等方面存在一些问题,需要进步完善。

【Abstract】 The farmer as the object of resettlement compensation in land expropriation, is themicrocosmic main body decided to the effect of expropriation compensation policies.The key to ease the contradictions of land expropriation is keeping landless farmers’original living standard and ensuring the long-term livelihood. Therefore, thecomparative study of the living standards of peasants before and after land requisition,is of great significance.Firstly, this paper is based on investigations of Loufeng town. We completed thequestionnaire and the interview of the89landless peasants. Secondly, this papercompared the changes in the living standards of peasants before and after landrequisition, analyzed the impact of factors, and summed up the existing problems.Finally, this paper is based on theoretical research and empirical analysis, tried to renderadvice.There are three conclusions. Firstly,51.25percent of landless peasants believedtheir standard of living improved because of land expropriation;32.5percent of landlesspeasants thought their living not changed;16.25percent of landless peasants firmlybelieved that their standard of living reduced because of land expropriation. Secondly,the great majority of farmers’ living standard has changed for land expropriation InLoufeng town. Their income and spending has increased. Their social security systembecame more perfect. The living environment has improved, but the neighborhoodcommunication has reduced, and the neighborhood trust has decreased. Thirdly,maintenance of landless farmers’ original living standard has been approved.Nevertheless, There are some problems in the system of social security, housing,employment. We need to improve these problems to keep landless farmers’ originalliving standard.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

