

Investigation and Thoughts of Modern Western Concept of Private Property Rights

【作者】 吴杰

【导师】 钱玉英;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 政治学理论, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 随着当代中国的快速发展,私有财产权问题越来越受到人们重视。私有财产权利观念源自西方,而在中国的传统中则缺少这一观念。传统资源中这种观念的缺乏是当前中国私有财产权利保护不力的重要原因。另一方面,私有财产权问题始终与社会平等、正义等问题相关联,提倡保护私有财产权利虽然在当下具有重要意义,但从社会平等与正义的角度看则缺乏绝对的说服力。可以说,私有财产权利问题在当今中国仍存在一定的模糊性,要理清这一范畴必须对近代西方私有财产权利观念有全面的认识。文章先对私有财产权利做了基本分析,指出观念的重要价值;探究了近代西方私有财产权利观念的基本内容,试图找寻这一观念的正当性基础,从而阐明这一观念为何能生根发芽;同时,注意到近代西方并不赞同私有财产权利完全正当,而是对私有财产权利持一定的批判;最后,指出全面认识近代西方私有财产权利观念有助于理清在当前中国的发展中如何对待私有财产的问题。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of contemporary China, private property issuesincreasing attention. From the West, the concept of private property rights and theabsence of this concept in the Chinese tradition, traditional resources, the lack of thisconcept is the current lack of protection of private property rights in China an importantreason. On the other hand, the right of private property is always associated with socialequality, social justice and other issues, to promote the protection of private propertyrights is of great significance in the moment, but from the perspective of social equalityand justice, the lack of absolute convincing. It can be said that the issue of privateproperty rights in China today still has a certain ambiguity, and to sort out this categorymust have a comprehensive understanding of the concept of private property rights.Article first private property rights, fundamental analysis, pointed out the importantvalue of the concept; explore the basic contents of the modern Western concept ofprivate property rights, trying to find the basis of the notion of legitimacy, to clarify why this concept can take root; same time, noted that the modern Western does not endorsethe right to private property is completely legitimate, but criticism of private propertyrights held; Finally, it is pointed out that a comprehensive understanding of the conceptof private property rights in the modern Western help sort out how to deal with China’scurrent development of private property rights issues.

【关键词】 私有财产权利正当性批判启示
【Key words】 private property rightslegitimacycriticismrevelation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

