

The Reaserch on the Measures to Promote Student Physical Activities Stated in the "National Physical Activity Plan" of U.S.A

【作者】 王凌奕

【导师】 戴俭慧;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 体育教育训练学(专业学位), 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 美国政府一直对国民的身体活动和身体健康非常重视,近些年它们颁布了一系列的促进健康的计划和政策。2008年10月,美国健康与公共服务部发布了首个全面指导美国人身体活动的联邦性的身体活动计划,即《国民身体活动计划》。《国民身体活动计划》是美国政府颁布的最新国民健康促进计划,其在目标、内容、实施策略方面均与传统健康政策有所不同,旨在促进和保障美国民众的身体活动,标志着美国相关政策的发展与转变。该计划不仅针对成年人和老年人的身体活动给出了详细的说明和规定,而且对于儿童和青少年这些学生群体的身体活动也给出了相当具体的说明和规定。然而我国以国民身体活动为目的相类似的一些计划,如《全民健身计划纲要》,对于学生身体活动做出了一些规定,但是这些规定只是给学生的活动提出了一个纲领式的要求,而对实施内容和方法并没有做具体的规定,可操作性不强。通过本文对美国《国民身体活动计划》的介绍和研究,丰富我国在这方面的研究资料,丰富我国学生身体活动的内容,使针对学生身体活动的规定更加细致和具体。本论文运用了文献资料法、比较研究法、逻辑分析和归纳法分析了美国《国民身体活动计划》的基本情况、颁布背景、颁布的原因、与颁布相关的政策、实施办法、实施特点、提出的要求等方面,阐述了《国民身体活动计划》在促进儿童和青少年身体活动方面的核心目标和目标实施所需的主要措施。通过对美国《国民身体活动计划》的学习和借鉴,完善我国身体活动方面的计划和准则。在一些具有美国特色和美国学生身体素质特点的措施方面,结合我国国情以及我国学生身体活动情况,制定出适合我国情况的措施,实现对我国学生身体活动的指导和借鉴作用。

【Abstract】 The U.S. government has been to the national attach great importance to physicalactivity and health, they enacted a series of plans and policies to promote health inrecent years. In October2008, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Servicesreleased the first comprehensive federal Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans,namely the "National Physical Activity Plan"."National Physical Activity Plan" is a newnational health promotion program, promulgated by the United States government. Thegoal, content, implementation strategy and traditional health policy have no common. Itis to promote and protect the American’s physical activity, and marks the developmentand transformation of American policy. The plan not only gives detailed instructionsand regulations for adults and the elderly physical activity, but also for children andadolescents. However, for some similar projects with the purpose of the nationalphysical activity in our country such as "national fitness program outline",made someprovisions for students physical activities, but these rules just for student activitiesproposed a guideline of requirements, and the content and method of theimplementation had not made specific provision, operability is not strong.Through theintroduction and Research on American " National Physical Activity Plan ",it can rich inthis area of research data in China, rich in physical activity of Chinese students contentand make provision for the student physical activity more detailed and specific.The use of literature, logical analysis and induction is to study the American"National Physical Activity Plan", include the basic situation, background, reasons, andrelevant policies, measures, implementation features, requirements etc.. The NationalPhysical Activity Plan elaborated physical activity promotion core goals and objectivesof the implementation of the main measures for child and adolescent. Based on the analysis of the United States of America " National Physical ActivityPlan " relevant content, combined with our country physical education theory, practiceexperience, and puts forward some suggestions about physical education based on our.The American "National Physical Activity Plan" comprehensive, detailed and plans ofoperation and other aspects of learning and reference, perfect our country physicalactivity plans and standards. In some of the United States and the United States ofAmerica has the characteristics of students’ physical quality characteristics of measures,combined with the situation of our country and our student physical activity, suitable forthe development of our country measures of physical activity, our students guidance andreference.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】G817.12
  • 【下载频次】187

