

The Study of the Actuality, Matter and Countermeasures of National Elaborate Course Construction in Western Universities

【作者】 孙俊俊

【导师】 王根顺;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 高等教育学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 为解决高等教育资源分配不合理的矛盾,教育部启动高等学校教学质量与教学改革工程精品课程建设项目,通过精品课程示范和辐射作用的发挥,以实现优秀教学资源的共享和推广,促进高等学校教学水平和教学质量的提高。西部区域作为教育资源较为贫乏的地区,其精品课程的建设状况事关西部高校的教育教学质量和人才培养质量。因此,论文以550门西部高校国家精品课程作为研究对象,以其中能够正常运行的249门精品课程作为研究样本,采用文献研究法、内容分析法、比较分析法和综合分析法等研究方法,从整体建设情况、课程基本建设要素、课程运行质量、特色课程四个方面对西部高校国家精品课程建设的现状进行调查研究,并从整体建设情况、发展比例、师资队伍、课程资源、课程建设理念、教学内容、教学方法和手段以及信息技术支持等维度探讨了西部高校国家精品课程存在的问题。针对上述问题,论文拟从以下几个方面提出对策建议,第一,宏观层面,国家应为西部高校提供物质上的帮助和政策上的扶持;第二,中观层面,西部高校自身要努力完善精品课程建设,打造特色的国家级精品课程,以期改变西部高校在精品课程建设方面的落后现状,依托精品课程的辐射作用,将优质的教育资源通过现代化的教学手段共享到西部各个高校,缓解高等教育资源分布不合理、西部高校高等教育资源贫乏的现状。

【Abstract】 In order to solve the contradiction of the unreasonable distribution of higher education resources, education department launches National Elaborate Course construction, which is one section of the project of education quality and education report. We wish National Elaborate Course construction is able to realize the sharing of superior education resources and promote the enhance of teaching standard and education quality in universities by means of expressing the demonstration and radiation of it.As a meager district in education resource, the construction of National Elaborate Course in Western area has so much influence on the education teaching quality and training quality of western universities. For this reason, the paper targets550National Elaborate Course of western universities to this thesis’study object, then use249courses which can operate normally to be research samples. It integrated uses of literature research method, content research method, comparative research method and comprehensive research method. The paper analyzed the status of National Elaborate Course in western universities from the following aspects, such as the building elements of course, the operation quality of course and characteristic curriculum. Otherwise, the study discusses the existing problems in western universities from the following fields, for example, the whole condition of construction, development proportion, teachers, resource, the idea of building, teaching measures and means, content of courses, information technology.In allusion to before mentioned problems, this paper puts forward countermeasures from macro level and ecosystem level. Rely on the demonstration of National Elaborate Course, superior education resource is shared to western universities through modernize teaching means to remit the actuality of the unreasonable distribution of higher education resources and indigent education resources in western universities.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

