

An Analysis of the Supply of Public Goods in Undeveloped National Regions and Mode Selection

【作者】 冯彩丽

【导师】 焦克源;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 行政管理, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 国家有责任和义务让每个公民过上有尊严的体面生活。建立公平的社会保障体系是坚持立党为公、执政为民的必然要求,是全体人民共享改革发展成果、向共同富裕的方向稳步前进的现实举措,是维护社会稳定的“减震器”,对落实科学发展观和构建社会主义和谐社会具有重大而深远的意义。改革开放以来,甘肃的经济水平和各项社会事业有了长足的发展,人民的社会生活也发生了天翻地覆的巨大变化。自西部大开发以来,经济迅猛发展,社会事业全面进步,人民生活水平得到了大幅改善,并且成为西部民族地区经济社会发展的典型。但是与之形成鲜明对比的是,地域宽广、人口众多的甘肃省甘南藏族自治州农村公共产品供给的数量和质量也呈现出远远低于城市水平的状况。随着农村经济社会的不断发展,农民对道路交通、医疗卫生等公共产品的需求增长的不断提升同时,实际供给的公共产品的供给却严重不足,供需失衡问题也日渐突出。本文在起点公平和多中心治理理论的基础上,以2007年为分水岭,通过比较分析甘南藏族自治州五年间社会保障产品各个方面的变化,厘清民族地区群众社会保障需求及其提供模式的可能途径,运用“滑竿原理”解析提供路径的可能性,试图为政府今后在民族区域公共产品的供给模式上给出参考。要求务必做到突破在市场、政府与第三部门之间非此即彼选择的传统思维模式,构建具有统筹城乡发展、广泛参与、兼顾公平与效率等包容性特征的多中心供给模式。并且在此基础上,能够运用不确定阶段互惠偏好函数确保多中心供给模式可以顺利、良好运行。本文具体内容安排如下:第一章,阐述了本文的研究背景及意义、文献综述、研究内容、方法及论文创新点。第二章,主要论述了相关理论基础,包括多中心治理理论、起点公平理论以及滑竿原理。第三章,首先运用数据统计概括介绍甘南藏族自治州农村公共产品供给问题在医疗、基础设施、教育三方面的现状,然后对比2007年前后支出投入差异,找出现阶段制约当地公共产品供给相关的因素和矛盾。第四章,结合甘南州实际及现有模式的参照,找到真正适合甘南藏族自治州农村公共产品供给的模式出路。第五章主要介绍甘南州农村地区公共产品多中心供给模式的运行控制相关内容。第六章,对甘南藏族自治州农村公共产品供给实施多中心供给模式的未来展望。希望本文能够为欠发达地区的农村公共产品供给及相关的研究工作有所裨益。

【Abstract】 States have the responsibility and obligation to allow every citizen to live a decent life with dignity. The establishment of a fair social security system is to adhere to serve the public and the inevitable requirement of governing for the people, all people share the reform and development, realistic move steadily forward toward common prosperity, maintaining social stability,"shock absorber" implement the scientific development concept and building a harmonious socialist society has a significant and far-reaching significance.Level of Gansu’s economy and various social undertakings have developed rapidly since the reform and opening up, people’s social life has also undergone a tremendous changes. Since the development of the western region, the rapid economic development, social progress, people’s living level has been improved greatly, and become a typical of economic and social development of the western national regions. But in stark contrast, currently, Gannan Tibetan autonomous prefecture, Gansu province rural objective reality show the region is broad, the characteristics of the population at the same time, the quantity and quality of rural public products supply is also showing a far below the level of public products supply of the city. But with the continuous development of the rural economy society, farmers in road transportation, health care and other public products and continuous increase of demand growth, the actual supply of public products supply is seriously insufficient, the imbalance between supply and demand is prominent.On the basis of the fair starting point and polycentric theory to2007as a watershed through a comparative analysis of the changes in all aspects of the social security products in the Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in five years, to clarify the possible ways of ethnic people in areas of social security needs and its mode slider principle the possibility of analytic path, trying to reference for the government in the future given on national regional public goods supply mode. Requirements sure to do the traditional mode of thinking either-or choice between breakthrough in the market, the Government and the Third Sector, to build urban and rural development, broad participation, taking into account the fairness and efficiency inclusive features multi-center modes of supply. On this basis, the ability to use the uncertain stage of mutual preference function to ensure the supply of multi-center mode can smoothly run well.In this paper, specific content is as follows:elaborated this article research background and significance, literature review, research contents, methods and innovation points. The second chapter discusses the theoretical basis, including polycentric theory, the theory of fair starting point and slider principle. Chapter Ⅲ, first using the data statistical overview of Gannan Tibetan autonomous prefecture rural public product supply problems in health, infrastructure, education, the present situation of the three aspects, and then compare the year2007expenditures into differences identify relevant factors restricting the local supply of public goods at this stage and contradictions. Chapter Ⅳ, combined with the Gannan Prefecture actual and existing models of reference, find really suitable mode of Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in rural public goods supply way out. The fifth chapter mainly introduces GanNanZhou multi-center supply of rural public products mode of operation control related content. Chapter Ⅵ, Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture multi-center modes of supply of rural public goods supply outlook.I hope this can be beneficial for the supply of rural public goods in underdeveloped areas and related research work.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

