

The Impact on Environment and Building of Environmental Management System of Oilfield Development in Longdong Area

【作者】 黄娴

【导师】 潘峰;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 环境工程, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 资源与环境是开发建设活动的基础和前提。我国石油资源集中分布在渤海湾、松辽、塔里木、鄂尔多斯、准噶尔、珠江口、柴达木和东海陆架八大盆地。分布于陕甘宁蒙晋5省区的长庆油田,是近年来我国探明储量和产量增长最快的油气田,其中,陇东油区占长庆油田总资源量的38%,原油年生产能力超过500万吨。“十一五”时期,陇东油区累计建设产能645万吨,完成投资190多亿元,为庆阳市贡献财政税收近70亿元。石油的勘探开发,对当地经济的发展起了巨大的推动作用,但是,因我国环境规制不健全、环保市场机制不完善、企业环境管理欠缺、开采不合理、环保基础设施落后,致使陇东地区环境不断恶化,环境问题逐渐凸显。本论文具体内容如下:首先,论文系统总结了石油勘探开发整个工程中的污染源与污染物,阐述了石油勘探开发对环境的影响的特点。其次,通过收集数据,分析得到:陇东地区石油勘探开采中不同程度地对油区土壤造成污染,农田、废弃井场、钻井泥浆坑A、钻井泥浆坑B、漏油点的最大综合污染指数依次为:2.1、16.68、29.58、18.25、13.44;马莲河流域主要支流受到不同程度的污染,2007、2008、2011年最大综合污染指数依次为:45.758、24.485、38.768,均位于环县山城;油区范围内,地下水均有水质因子超标存在,超标因子主要为氨氮、总硬度、COD、Cr6+、氯化物、氟化物。作为以农业生产为主的陇东地区,因油田开发建设,土壤-地表水-地下水形成的复合系统互相影响,对以农业生产为主的乡村生态环境造成了严重影响。最后,根据当前石油勘探开发环境影响的日益严重性,本文从政府、公众、企业三个层面构建了环境管理体系。首先,政府在环境管理中起着主导职能,政府建立健全环境规制,对企业的各项行为起到全面的约束,为公众参与环境管理进行制度保障。再者,加强公众环境意识→环境责任与义务→环境科学基础知识→公众参与环保决策,使我国公民为环境保护发挥作用;最终,企业在以政府“硬件”建设健全、公众环保“软实力”加强的大环境下,进行自我环境管理是指日可待的事情。如此以来,环境保护也将有被动走向主动。

【Abstract】 Resources and environment are the basis and prerequisite for development and construction activities. Oil resources are distributed in eight basins, which are Bohai Bay, Songliao basin, Talimu basin, Eerduos basins, Zhungeer basins, the estuary of the Zhujiang River, chaidamu basin and East China Sea shelf. Changqing Oilfield is Located in five provinces,which is Shaanx、Gansu、Ningxia、Inner Mongolia and Shanxi, it is the fastest growing oil and gas fields in proved reserves and production in recent years. And Longdong oil field accounted for38%of the total resources of Changqing Oilfield,the annual production of crude oil capacity is more than500million tons. In the "Eleventh Five-Year" period, Longdong oil field accumulated to build production capacity of6.45million tons, completed an investment of over190billion contribution nearly70billion RMB to the finances and taxes of Qingyang City. Petroleum exploration and development has played a huge role in promoting local economic development, however, because the environmental regulation is not perfect, environmental market mechanisms are inadequate, enterprise lack of environmental management, oil exploitation is unreasonable,and the infrastructure of environment is very poor, which resulted environmental degradation, environmental issues. Specific content of the paper is as follows:Firstly, the paper summarize the sources of pollution and contaminants in the whole project of petroleum exploration, and elaborate the characteristics that oil exploration and development impact on the environment.Secondly, through the collect of data, analysis the following conclusions:Longdong oil exploration and exploitation caused soil pollution, the largest comprehensive pollution indexas of farmland, abandoned well site, drilling mud pit A,drilling mud pit B, spill point is:2.1,16.68,29.58,18.25,13.44; Major tributaries of Malian River are polluted to vary degrees, in the year of2007,2008,2011,the largest integrated pollution index is45.758,24.485,38.768,which is all located in the Shancheng town of Huan County;In the oil region, excessive quality factors of groundwater exists, which are ammonia nitrogen, total hardness, COD, Cr6+, chloride and fluoride.As the Longdong area is based on agricultural production, due to oil field development and construction, soil-surface water-groundwater composite system influence each other, it has a serious impact on rural ecological environment.Finally, according to the increasing severity of the environmental impact of oil exploration and development, the paper build a environment management system from the government, the public and enterprise.First, the government plays a leading function in environmental management, government should establish and improve environmental regulation, which play a full constraint on the behavior of enterprise, and give protection for public participation in environmental protection system. Further more, strengthen the public environmental awareness→environmental responsibilities and obligations→environmental science knowledge→public participation in environmental and making decision,so that our citizens play effects for environmental protection; In the end, when the enterprises is the environment that government "hardware" construction is regular、the public environmental "soft power" strengthen, enterprises implement self-environmental management is just around the corner. Thus, environmental protection will change from passive to active.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】X322;X820.3
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】284
  • 攻读期成果

