

Research on the Regional Difference about Measurement of Transition Level in China between2002and2010

【作者】 王亚男

【导师】 杨永春;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 城市与区域规划, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 1978年我国开始了由计划经济向市场经济的转型,社会经济体制发生了翻天覆地的变化,在对经济的调控中市场占据了主导地位,我国经济得到了空前的快速发展,在国际上发挥着越来越重要的作用,转型进程将会影响到地球上的每个角落。然而我国不同地区发展水平和发展环境的不同,其转型水平也将呈现不同的特征。通过对我国发展转型水平的测度和分析,可为国家和地方促进社会经济发展政策的制定提供依据。论文在查阅相关文献的基础上,总结了经济转型、社会转型的定性和定量研究进展,从经济建设、社会发展和环境建设三个方面构建了转型的指标测度体系,并在国家、省域和城市三种空间尺度上,分别分析和评价了经济建设、社会发展、环境建设和综合转型水平,试图从中总结出相应的发展变化规律。最后,尝试论述各地转型水平的影响因素,并试图建立理论解释模型。通过对指标测度体系的测算,并从国家、省域和城市尺度分析的结果可得出如下主要结论:(1)从国家尺度来看,在经济建设、社会发展、环境建设和综合转型水平的角度,东、中、西部地区大体呈现从东向西降低的空间规律,这与我国经济发展的空间分布规律相一致;在年均增长率的角度,东部地区不及中、西部地区增长幅度大;各地区的转型水平总体呈逐年上升的趋势。(2)从省域尺度来看,京津地区、长三角和珠三角地区的各一级指标得分和综合得分是最高的;中部地区的年均增长率高于东、西部地区,转型水平潜力较大;(3)从城市尺度来看,大多数直辖市和省会城市的经济建设、社会发展、环境建设和综合转型水平较其他城市高;指标得分较高的城市的年均增长率较低,年均增长率在空间分布上大体呈中部高,两边低的态势。由于不同地区的转型水平存在差异,因此,论文最后分析了影响转型水平的因素:制度变迁和政府推进、国家渐进的空间政策、对外开放和经济全球化、区域整合与区域合作,并对其作用机制进行了总结和概括。

【Abstract】 In1978, China began to transition from the planned economy to a market economy, and the socio-economic system has undergone enormous changes. In the regulation of economy, the market was in the dominant position, and our country economy obtained the unprecedented rapid growth. As China plays an increasingly important role in international,China’s economic restructuring process will also affect every corner of the Earth. However, due to the differences in the levels of the development and the environment in different regions of China, its level of transition will also present different characteristics. On the measure and analysis of reforming level to our country,the article may provides the basis for the national and place to make the policy for socio-economic development.on the basis of relevant literature, the article summed up the qualitative and quantitative research of the economic transition and social transition;Besides, the article also tries to build the index system to measure the transition from three aspects of economic construction, social development and environmental construction.At the national, provincial and city three spatial scales, the article respectively analysis and evaluates the level of economic construction, social development, environmental construction and comprehensive transition, and attempts to summarize the development regular; Finally, the article tries to discusses the factors affecting the level of transition, and tried to establish a theory to explain the model. Through the calculation of index system, and analyses from the national, provincial and city scale, we can draw the following main conclusion:First, from the national scale, in economic construction, social development, environmental construction and comprehensive transition level angle, east to west, area generally shows the space law decreases from east to west, which is consistent with the distribution of China’s economic development space law;In the perspective of the average growth, the eastern area is inferior to central and western area. The level of transition in regional shows a rising trend year by year.Second, from the provincial scale, scores of each level index and the comprehensive score of Beijing and Tianjin area, Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta region is the highest;The average growth of the central region is higher than the East and the western region.There are potential in transition.Third,From the point of city scale, the level of economic construction, social development, environmental construction and comprehensive transformation of most municipalities directly under the central government and provincial capital cities are higher than other cities.The city has higher scores that average growth is lower,In the spatial distribution,the average growth is higher in the center and lower around the center.As a result, the paper finally analyzes the factors that affect the level of transition, institutional change and the government promoting, progressive space policies, open-door to the outside world and economic globalization, regional integration and regional cooperation, and its mechanism are summarized and summed up.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

