

A Study on Manchu Minister Chang Geng in Late Qing Dynasty

【作者】 梁国东

【导师】 王希隆;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 民族学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 长庚(1843.10-1914.11),字少白,是清末活跃在西北的一位重要的满洲正黄旗大臣。历任伊犁副都统、驻藏大臣、伊犁将军、陕甘总督等职。早年参与平复新疆,立功不断,从巴彦岱领队大臣很快升为伊犁副都统,后自处理西藏事务起成为执掌一方的疆臣,旋辗转西北二十余年。他在边地共四十余载,有着丰富的治边经验,是清末守护边疆的重臣,在动荡的年代里他为当时边疆的稳定与发展做出了积极的贡献。以时间和空间的转移为线索,文章由以下三部分内容构成:一、长庚在西藏关于瞻对动乱的事后处理和英国入侵西藏后提出的守边方案值得注意。二、两次驻节伊犁的作为。首次担任伊犁将军期间他一方面组织对伊犁的整顿,同时安置哈萨克牧民;另一方面加强阿勒泰地区的守备并与俄国开展边事交涉尤其以收回巴尔鲁克山事件为代表。第二次担任伊犁将军期间长庚的主要工作是实施新政,具体为编练新军、开展实业、发展新式教育。三、宣统元年长庚担任陕甘总督,在此期间长庚积极开展新政与筹备立宪工作。辛亥革命爆发后甘肃宣布拥护共和,长庚隐退。文章最后结合特定的历史场域从边防观、维新观以及在辛亥革命中的行为等几个方面对长庚诸方面活动和思考作了较全面的总结。

【Abstract】 Chang Geng(1843.10-1914.11), courtesy name Shao Bai, belongs to the Manchu Yellow Banner. Chang Geng was an important Manchu Minister, who was active in the Northwest China in the late Qing Dynasty. He successively served as the Yili vice commander, Amban of Tibet, the Yili General (twice) and the Shan-Gan Governor. Since participating in retaking Xin jiang, he made a lot of contributions in the western. From Bayan Dai Minister to Yili vice commander, his promotion was fast, then he has a chance to become the official dealing with the affairs of Tibetan. Over forty years in frontier, he was an important minister with rich experience on boundary governance and made a positive contribution to the stability and development of the frontier region in late Qing Dynasty.With the clues of time and space, the dissertation contains three major parts. Firstly, he dealt with two affairs:one was the aftermath of riots in Zhan Dui, the other was the solution of guarding the frontier after the English invasion. Secondly, there were four events during the first term of Yili General. First of all, he was in charge of the rectification work after Xin jiang Province was founded; secondly, he negotiated with Russia on the frontier affairs, and the most extraordinary one was to retake Barluke Mountain coercively rend by Russia; thirdly, work of settling down of the the Kazakh nomads; lastly, on the issue of Altai defensive; and there were three aspects that he focused on new policy during the second term of Yili General:training new army, developing industry, commerce and education.Thirdly, when he was appointed the Shan-Gan Governor, the Empire court held a preparatory constitution, he actively cooperated to carry out effective work. He had to leave after Gansu province was announced to recognize the Republic in the Revolution of1911.At the end of the dissertation, a more comprehensive summary on Chang Geng were made by author from his innovative thinking, the thinking of guarding the frontier and what he did in the Revolution of1911.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

