

The Descriptive Catalogue of Dunhuang Documents on the Anthology of Poetry About The Documents Collected in France

【作者】 荆玉杰

【导师】 伏俊琏;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 历史文献学, 2013, 硕士


【摘要】 文章旨在对法藏敦煌诗文选集作叙录,共选取P.3619、P.3885、P.2673、 P.3195+P.2677+S.12098、P.3480、P.t.1208+P.t.1221等七卷,其中P.3619、P.3885、P.2673为同一人所抄,为本文的重点部分。在叙录过程中,准确描述写卷形态,说明诗歌存佚情况及作者生平,概括诗歌主旨,并结合唐代文学史的研究成果,对每首诗歌的创作年代作大致判断,同时依据写卷形态及卷中讳字等信息,进步判断写卷的抄写年代。文章重点解决了P.3619《秋夜泊江渚》一诗的来源,并且对安雅《王昭君》中的“安雅”及《吐蕃党舍人临刑》中的“舍人”等问题提出了自己的石法。

【Abstract】 This article aims to catalogue anthology of poetry such as P.3619, P.3885, P.2673, P.3195+P.2677+S.12098. P.3480, Pt1208+Pt1221.The article will describe the form of the manuscripts accurately, explain every poem written on the manuscripts and the life of the authors briefly, meanwhile, combine with the results of study of the literary history of the Tang Dynasty, define the creation age of each poem, thus define the very time when the manuscripts were written. This paper focuses on solving the origin of "Qiu Ye Bo Jiang Zhu", and put forward my own views on the issues of the meaning of "An Ya" in An Ya "Wang Zhaojun" and "She ren " in "Tu Bo Dang She Ren Lin Xing"etc.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

