

Self Development Ability in Destitute Areas of Six Panshan

【作者】 贾金荣

【导师】 姜安印;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 区域经济学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 如何消除贫困问题一直是学者研究的热点领域之一,尤其是连片特困地区的贫困问题更是我国政府十分关心的重点。本文以贫困区域性特征的现象为出发点,以研究和培育六盘山连片特困地区自我发展能力为目的,为我国扶贫开发工作提出了一个全新的视角。首先,本文的研究是以总结、分析贫困及反贫困理论为基础,该部分的梳理,让我们认识到了贫困的原因以及反贫困的手段。同时,以中国反贫困战略的演变为链接,得出贫困的一些特征,究其原因可知是由于这些地区的自我发展能力较弱。其次,本文从区域功能的视角出发,认为一个区域的自我发展能力是对一个区域的物质资本、社会资本、生态资本、人力资本以及知识资本积累状况的整体描述。该能力强调区域自身发展的基础及造血功能,对其经济发展起着推动作用。本文针对六盘山连片特困地区61个特困县域的实际情况,构建了适合该区域的自我发展能力评价指标体系。首先,运用该体系对61个特困县的物质资本、社会资本、生态资本、人力资本以及知识资本进行主成分分析,得出这些县域的五大资本综合得分;其次,在五大资本综合得分的基础上,计算出61个特困县域的自我发展能力综合得分并排序分析;最后,以县域自我发展能力综合得分为基础,得出培育和增强自我发展能力的路径选择。

【Abstract】 The research on how to eliminate the poverty problem has been one of the hot areas of research, especially the problem for poverty of destitute areas is more concerned by our government. This paper forward a kind of new perspective for poverty alleviation of china,regarding the phenomenon of poverty’s the regional characteristics as a start, researching and cultivating self-development ability in destitute areas of six Panshan as the purpose.First of all, the research of this paper is based on summarying and analysising poverty and antipoverty theory, let us realize the causes of poverty and means of anti-poverty understanding. At the same time, the research based on the evolution of China’s anti-poverty strategy, obtaine some characteristics of poverty,mainly due to the weak self-development ability. Secondly, from the perspective of the regional function, this article thinks that the regional self development ability is the description of the accumulation state of physical capital, social capital, ecological capital, human capital and knowledge capital in a region. The kind of ability emphasizes on its own foundation of regional development and hematopoietic function, and promoting its economic development.For the actual situation of the61poverty-stricken counties in destitute areas of six Panshan, the article establishes the evaluation index system for the regional self-development ability. On the one hand, using the system for the principal component analysis in61poor counties of material capital, social capital, ecological capital, human capital and knowledge capital, obtain the comprehensive score of five large capital in these counties, and on this basis, combined with expert scoring method, calculating the61poverty-stricken counties self-development ability scoring and ranking analysis; on the other hand, in the foundation of self development of comprehensive ability to score in61counties, the clustering analysis, the self-development capacity of similar strength of county classification. Finally, based on the results of cluster analysis, the self-development capacity of different types, based on the material capital, social capital, ecological capital, human capital and knowledge capital raises the capacity for self development suggestions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

