

Differences Impact Study of Ancestor Worship to the Participants’s Social Capital

【作者】 杜永梅

【导师】 魏淑娟;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 社会学, 2013, 硕士


【摘要】 近年来,伴随着经济和社会文化的发展,同一姓氏的大型祭祖活动开始盛行,人们以各种目的为由号召同姓家族的人们参与。作为中华民族独特的文化传统活动,“寻根祭祖”又重新回到人们的视野。深受传统影响而又接受着新观念的中国人在民俗的继承与扬弃间面临着抉择。梁漱溟先生就认为中国文化是一种“家庭伦理本位”的文化,毋庸置疑,充满浓浓情味的祭祖正是中国“家庭伦理本位”文化的集中表现。本文将已举行过祭祖的G村L氏作为一个个案,深入村庄,多次对祭祖活动中的主要发起人进行访谈,并对居住于G村的所有祭祖活动的参与人做了问卷调查,就祭祖发起的原因条件、发起人的背景、祭祖对村民社会资本的影响以及对两类群体影响存在的差异性做了分析。试图探讨这种差异存在的原因,以及人们如何更好地运用社会网络提升社会资本。研究发现,人们基于共同的祖先认同与续字派的需要发起了这次祭祖,祭祖对于关键人物和普通参与人社会资本的影响存在很大的差异。这主要表现在社会网络的变化、获得支持的变化、提供帮助的变化不同这三个方面。存在差异的原因是祭祖的组织者等关键人物属于该群体中社会地位、威望较高的人,相应的占有的社会资源也多,从而社会网络变化、提供帮助的程度高于普通参与人,获得支持的程度低于普通参与人。宗族祭祖作为维系人们感情的活动,可以为人们带来工具性回报和情感性回报,从而维持与扩张社会资本。但在不同群体之间这种回报的程度存在很大的差异,祭祖活动的参与人如何提升自身社会资本,还在于对宗族关系网络的维持与扩展。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with the development of economy and social culture, the same surname of large ancestor worship activities became popular, people citing a variety of purposes, called on the same surname’s people involved. As a unique cultural tradition of the Chinese nation,"roots" ancestor worship "return to people’s horizons again. Chinese people Influenced by tradition and embracing new ideas between inheriting and abandoning the folk is faced with choices. Mr Liang shu-ming think Chinese culture is a culture of "family ethics", there is no doubt that full of thick flavor of ancestor worship is the concentrated expression of Chinese "family ethics" culture.Ancestor worship of G village have been held in this article, we will use L surname as a case, go deep into village, interview the main sponsor to ancestor worship activities for many times, and do the questionnaire survey to all the participants of G village, to the cause, the condition, the background of ancestor worship, the ancestor worship for people’s social capital impact, and analyzed the influence of community differences. Try to explore the reasons of the existence of such differences, as well as people how to better use the social relations to enhance social capital of them.Study found that people based on common ancestor approval and renewal word’s need to be launched this ancestor worship, ancestor worship organizers belong to the person with higher social status, higher prestige, and the possession of social capital is more accordingly of the group. Ancestor worship to the participants of different age, role, the influence of social capital is quite different. This mainly displays in people who participant ancestor worship, whose changes of individual network, changes of social support, changes of help differences in different person this three aspects. Clan ancestor worship can bring people return in instrumental and affective return, but the degree of returns between different community there is a big different, how to promote social capital, also need to maintain and extend the relationship network.

【关键词】 祭祖参与者社会资本影响差异
【Key words】 ancestor worshipparticipantsocial capitalimpactdifferences
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

