

The Impact of Environmental Change on the Livelihoods of Rural Households in the Minqin Oasis Fringe Area

【作者】 韩林

【导师】 李勇进;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 社会学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究以环境变化为影响因子,考察了它对于民勤绿洲边缘区农村家庭生计的影响,环境变化并不仅仅是自然科学地里上的统计数据,而且是当地民众对于当地生态环境的主观认知。生计最重要的一个特点是可持续,DFID的可持续生计框架被广泛应用,它有四个主要部分:脆弱性背景;生计资产;生计策略;政策、制度和程序。本研究基于以上的理论框架来分析民勤绿洲边缘区农村家庭的生计状况、生计策略、当地农民的社会态度以及环境变化的状况。本研究采用定量与定性相结合的研究方法,首先界定抽样总体为民勤县9个沿边沿沙乡镇的家庭总人口,运用PPS抽样方法,抽取8个村子,在每个样本村子,按照系统抽样的方法,抽取40户,户内采取最近生日法确定最终调查对象,此外,还对基层领导进行了半结构访谈,以便全面系统的了解村子的整体情况。研究结论如下:首先,研究发现民勤绿洲边缘区最重要的自然资本就是土地资源和水资源,在物质资本方面,当地农业生产的机械化程度较高,农民生产设备的拥有率也是处于相对高的水平。在人力资本方面,当地农民的受教育程度集中在初中文化程度,2010年,样本农户家庭平均人口为2.4人,当地农民也非常重视教育问题。在金融资本方面,当地农民农资投入比重最大的化肥和水电费,贷款最多的类型为短期小额贷款,半数以上的农户认为贷款比较困难。在社会资本方面,用水者协会作为当地一种基层的农民用水自治组织,并没有有效的发挥作用。在生计策略上,当地农民家庭最主要的收入来源是农业收入,其他收入来源所占比例很小,生计途径单一。在环境变化方面,民勤绿洲边缘区的当地农民认为最主要的环境问题分别是“水资源短缺”、“沙尘暴”以及“地下水水质矿化”。最后,当地农民认为环境问题的根源在于政府崇尚经济增长,而在生态问题上无作为,不过对于当地将来的环境预期比较乐观。其次,研究发现当地农民对于环境问题的认知在很多方面显著影响到农村家庭的生计资产,其中,水资源短缺是影响因子最高的一个环境问题,对于民勤绿洲边缘区来说,水资源问题是所有问题中的关键。最后,基于上述论述,在参考环境变化的基础上,对于民勤绿洲边缘区农村家庭的可持续生计提出了一些建议,其中,政府占据绝对的主导地位,需要在政策制定和实施上根据各地的实际情况因地制宜,充分发挥好政策的指引和引导作用,基层政府的管理者也是关键的一环,他们是政策直接的执行者,对于民勤绿洲边缘区的农民来说,也需要扩展家庭生计策略,增强抵御生计风险的能力,实现家庭生计的可持续。

【Abstract】 In this study, the environmental changes impact factor investigated for the livelihoods of rural households in the marginal zone of the Minqin oasis, environmental change and not just statistics on the natural scientific and subjective recognition of the local people for local ecological environmentnotice. Sustainable livelihoods of the most important characteristics, DFID sustainable livelihoods framework is widely used, it has four main parts:the vulnerability context; livelihood assets; livelihood strategy; policies, systems and procedures. The study based on the above theoretical framework to analyze the situation of Minqin oasis fringe area in the livelihoods of rural households, livelihood strategies, social attitudes of the local farmers as well as the situation of the environmental changes.In this study, using a combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods, the First the defined sampling Overall Minqin County, nine families of the total population of the villages and towns along the edge of the sand, and the use of PPS sampling method to extract eight villages in each sample village, according to the systematic samplingthe method selected40households take the last birthday method to determine the final survey, in addition to the grass-roots leadership of semi-structured interviews, in order to fully understand the overall situation of the village system.The conclusions are as follows:First, the study found that the Minqin oasis fringe area’s most important natural capital is the land resources and water resources, physical capital, local agricultural production, a higher degree of mechanization, the farmers production equipment ownership rate is at a relatively high level. In terms of human capital, the level of education of the local farmers concentrated in the junior high school education, in2010, the the sample farmers average household population of2.4local farmers also attaches great importance to education issues. In terms of financial capital, the local farmers for inputs largest proportion of fertilizer, electricity and water, the type of loans of up to a small short-term loans, farmers believe that more than half of the loans more difficult. Water Users Association in terms of social capital, as a kind of local grassroots farmer water autonomous organization, but does not have a valid role to play. Livelihood strategies, the most important source of income for local peasant family farm income, other source of income for the small proportion of single livelihoods ways. Environmental change, the local farmers of the Minqin oasis fringe area is considered the most important environmental issues are "water shortage","Sandstorm" and "groundwater quality mineralization. Finally, local farmers believe that the root causes of environmental problems is that the government is advocating economic growth, ecological problems as more optimistic, but for the local environment expected.Secondly, the study found that the local farmers’awareness of environmental issues in many ways significantly affect the livelihood assets of rural households, where water shortages highest impact factor in environmental issues, water problems for Minqin oasis fringe areais the key to all the problems.Finally, based on the discussion, on the basis of changes in the reference environment for the sustainable livelihoods of rural households in the marginal zone of the Minqin oasis a number of recommendations, which the Government to take the absolute dominance, government in policy formulation and implementation in accordance with the actual situation around to local conditions, and give full play to the role of better policy guidance and guidance, government managers is also a key ring, they are policies direct execution for Minqin oasis fringe area farmers, but also need to expand the family’s livelihood strategies, and enhance the ability to resist livelihood risks, and the family’s livelihood can be continue.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

