

The Study on Industrial Development and Distribution of Regional Valley-City

【作者】 陈强

【导师】 李丁;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 人文地理学, 2013, 硕士


【摘要】 产业门类和产业布局是影响一个城市发展的最主要方面。一个城市的主要产业门类将很大程度上决定城市的财政和居民的收入、城市建设、城市生态环境的优劣。我国河谷型城市数量多,分布广,目前的研究主要集中于大城市,如重庆市和兰州市,对于地区级的河谷型城市研究少。关于河谷型城市的城市空间、生态环境研究较多,但是关于其产业发展、产业布局的研究很少。河谷型城市生态环境较脆弱,环境容易污染,更需要清楚适合其城市的产业类型及产业布局。本文首先明确了河谷型城市的定义与特征,总结了西南地区河谷型城市的分布与河谷型城市的产业类型,梳理了目前河谷型城市产业布局的研究成果。基于以上分析,文章以地区级河谷型城市铜仁市为例,从铜仁市发展背景入手结合区位商法和偏离份额分析法分析了铜仁市的现状优势产业。以河谷型城市铜仁市的产业用地评价(地形地貌、山脉与流域、生态条件、大气环流、城市发展方向),空间发展历程、城市空间结构,对外交通的分析为基础探讨了铜仁市产业的空间布局。得出铜仁市产业布局为锦江老城中心:由老城分区和谢桥分区组成,是城市的核心区域,发展商业金融、房地产、旅游服务、文化娱乐等。谢桥片区作为中心城区扩展区,同时在谢桥区域布局绿色食品加工,生物制药等工业;川硐-谭木桥:由川硐分区和谭木桥分区组成。其中川硐突出商业服务及少量一类工业等;灯塔:由万家庄和中木林组成,主要发展现代物流、专业批发市场、仓储等;大兴:由尖岩农场、后林农场、大兴镇区组成。主要发展生物制药、机电制造、食品加工、制造业加工业、锰酸锂、新型锂离子、锰锂电池、新型电子元件加工多晶硅产业、电子信息产业;铜仁市域产业布局为“沿松(桃)从(江)高速公路产业布局聚合轴”和“沿杭瑞高速公路旅游经济聚合轴”。初步确定了地区级河谷型城市产业发展和布局模式为产业以资源开发为基础、依托交通优势,发展大宗货物,商贸物流等需要便捷运输条件的产业类型,产业布局在产业用地评价的基础上,顺应城市空间结构、依托对外交通设施布局。

【Abstract】 Industrial category and distribution are the most important aspects of a city’s development.The city’s main industrial categories will largely determine its economy,government fmances,the income of residents,urban construction and the ecological quality of the environment.And its industrial distribution is reasonable or not will affect the region’s economic advantage to play and the speed of economic development.The development of Valley-cities is no exception.The number of Valley-city in China is large and it is widely distributed.Current researches are focused on big cities,such as Chongqing and Lanzhou and less for regional Valley-city.More researches were about their urban space and ecological environment and less for industrial category and distribution.In consideration of ecological environment was fragile,it is essential to be clear about industrial category and distribution of valley-city.First of all,the thesis cleared the definitions and characteristics of Valley-city and summarized the its distribution and industrial category of the southwest China,and then the author sorted out the research of industrial distribution on Valley-cities.Based on the analysis above, the thesis take regional Valley-city——Tongren as an example and analysed the superior industry in Tongren by starting with the background of Tongren and integrating the method of location quotient and shift-share.Based on the analysis of industrial land evaluation,which includes topography,mountain and river basin,ecological condition,atmospheric circulation, and urban development,space development,urban spatial structure,external transport,the paper explored the of Tongren industry space layout.After analysis,it came to the conclusion that the Jinjiang Old Town,which consists of old town partition and Xieqiao partition,is the center of industrial layout of Tongren City.Jinjiang Old Town is the core area of the city, which develops the entertainment.Xieqiao District as the expansion of the central city, the industries of the green food processing, bindustries of commercial finance, real estate, tourism and culture and bio-pharmaceutical and others were distributed here.Chuantong Tanmuqiao District was composed of Chuantong partition and Tanmuqiao partition, Chuantong partition mainly develops business services and a small amount of a class of industry. Dengta District was made up of Wan Jia Zhuang and Zhongmulin,which principally develops modern logistics, specialized wholesale markets, warehousing and others.Daxing District consists of Jianyan Farm,Houlin Farm and Daxing Town, whose major industries are bio-pharmaceutical, mechanical and electrical manufacturing, food processing, manufacturing processing industry, lithium manganese oxide, a new lithium-ion, lithium manganese battery, new electronic components processing,Polysilicon,electronic information.The development of industrial distribution and layout mode of Regional Valley-City is as follows Industry should be based resource development and rely on the advantage of local traffic to develop the transportation-oriented industries.such as the bulk cargo and trade and logistics.Industrial layout should adapt to urban spatial structure, relying on external transport facilities.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

