

Theoretical and Empirical Research on Population Migration at Rural Community Level in the Minqin Oasis

【作者】 汪胜兰

【导师】 李丁;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 人文地理学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 在干旱区绿洲发展演变过程中,人口迁移对当地经济、社会及环境发展产生深远影响,以河西走廊中部、石羊河下游的民勤绿洲较为典型,现已引起学术界普遍关注。民勤绿洲农村社区水土资源过度开发利用,引发沙漠化、水资源短缺等一系列生态环境危机,导致其人口持续外流,对当地村落演化、农业发展、环境变迁以及农户家庭结构产生重要影响。首先,通过相关文献资料查阅和社区农户参与式访谈,对民勤绿洲近25年来人口分布与迁移特征进行综合整理;从迁移人口属性、迁移空间特征、迁移方式和驱动因素等方面,综合分析近10年来民勤绿洲农村社区人口迁移状况;在此基础上,结合绿洲上、中、下游空间分布以及若干民勤绿洲典型社区建设,选取蔡旗村、邓岔村、外西村以及煌辉村、正新村5个典型农村社区进行人口迁移状况实证研究。研究结果表明:(1)人口迁移以外迁(迁出、外流)为主,外迁人口约占总迁移人口的90%;迁移人口数量随年龄增长,先增多后减少,在20—30岁之间时,达到最大;迁移人口以男性居多,男女性别比随年龄增长先微弱减小后迅速增大再减小到零值;迁移人口受教育程度普遍较高,高中以上占72.83%;人口迁移后职业以外出打工居首,占40.58%。(2)人口迁移迁出地农户户均迁移量存在明显空间差异,从上游、中游到下游,先减小后增大;迁入地主要集中在民勤县城、金昌、武威市区、兰州、酒泉以及东部沿海、内蒙古、新疆等省外地区,以中、短距离迁移为主。(3)人口迁移方式主要包括:自主迁移、院校招生、企业招工和婚嫁迁移等,其中,自主迁移占一半以上。人口迁移驱动因素主要为:经济、生态环境、政策、家庭以及历史等5类。然后,本文尝试从家庭视角提出绿洲农村社区人口迁移理论——“巢论”,即:“弃巢”、“离巢”、“多巢”、“客巢”、“归巢”等5种人口迁移家庭模式,分别对不同模式进行特征、不足分析,并进行关系研究。最后,本研究对实证研究区民勤绿洲农村社区人口迁移过程中产生的问题,如当地人口结构失衡、户籍问题、土地分配与水权问题、子女教育问题以及季节性劳动力不足等问题进行深入剖析,并提出相应地缓解措施与建议:建立生态补偿机制,创新人口迁移模式,加大扶持力度,完善移民政策,大力发展并完善教育移民政策,以及将生态移民与城镇化发展相结合的发展思路。

【Abstract】 It is well recognized that population migration occurred in arid oases, a common phenomenon in the evolution of these sporadically dispersed ones in arid environments, has had a profound impact on the economic development and social progress and environmental transition in these places which has already became focal points in the field of arid climates research in recent years typically for Minqin Oasis, one major agricultural region in the lower reaches of the Shiyang River located in the middle part of the Gansu Corridor. Minqin Oasis, due to an over-exploitation of soil and water resources by local residents in the past, has presented a series of ecological crises such as desertification and water shortages, resulting in a continued population decline and labor loss in the rural areas, a major threat to the existence and sustainable development of the villages and communities, specifically the composition of households, the prosperity of settlements, the improvement of cultivation and the amelioration of environment.According to the organizational structure of this treatise, mainly divided into three parts, I need to cross the thresholds, in the first step, by tracing back to general characteristics of residents’ distribution and its evolution of the entire oasis in the past25years through relational literatures reviews and some participatory interviews to the randomly collected peasants, especially for the distribution of settlements, the migration patterns of inhabitants, the driving factors of relocations and the inevitably significant influence on local social conditions and ecological environments over the past decade. Then, five case studies about patterns and scales of people movements in the Minqin Oasis are carried out by investigations to local socio-economic status and labor losses of the five typically chosen villages, named Caiqi, Dengcha, Waixi, Huanghui and Zhengxin, which are respectively distributed in the oasis and are purposely selected from the list of Typical Communities proposed by local government.The results show that:(1) the population migration that have occurred in Minqin Oasis was significantly dominated by relocation, with its proportion approximately reached to90per cent, and people aged from20to30have accounted the largest proportion especially for male that the sex ratio gradually changed with age has clearly appeared a S-curved trend. Furthermore, most of the migrants, specifically72.83per cent, have an educational background of senior middle school at least, and for those residents relocated to other places, almost40.58per cent of them have chosen to work away from their new hometowns.(2) There exists an apparently spatial differentiation for quality of migrants in single families ranging from the upstream to the downstream areas, with the smallest scale in the central region of the oasis. In the other hand, most of the migrants have moved to adjacent areas in Gansu province such as the county seat of Minqin, Jinchang, Wuwei, Lanzhou, Jiuquan and several other adjacent provinces such as Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang.(3) Among the group of migrants, more than half have relocated outward autonomously, comparing to several other patterns such as university admissions, business recruitments and offsite marriages, and there were mainly five aspects of driving forces, that is the economic, ecological, political, domestic and historical factors.In the next step, the specific modes and its regular patterns of rural population movements in arid oases will be argued in depth from the point of households, namely the Nest Theories, providing a comprehensive and rigorous induction of features and defects about the patterns which are mainly divided into five different categories (i. e. the abandoned nests, the departed nests, the separated nests, the accompanied nests and the returned nests). Finally, problems and their negative affects on local society that emerged in the process of migration are dissected, including imbalance of local population structure, inconvenience of household registration, uneven distribution of land and water, lack of education for children and lack of labor force seasonally, and accordingly, some suggestions and useful measures are proposed such as the establishment of more innovative mechanisms of eco-compensation and population migration, the providing of more political and cash supports to local migrants and schools, and most importantly, the combination of migration policies and urbanization in poor environments.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

