

Research on Local Audience of Qinghai TV

【作者】 肖潇

【导师】 韩亮;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 广播电视新闻学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 2010年1月1日,青海卫视与湖南卫视开始了令人瞩目的跨地域合作,到今年两台合作已走到第3个年头。与湖南卫视深度合作后,青海卫视大量本土节目被拿下,换之以大量娱乐节目。如今的青海卫视“外忧内患”,对外在全国市场不具备与强势卫视竞争的实力,对内面临本土受众市场的动摇。本文即是在这样的背景下,对青海卫视本土受众进行实地调查和访谈,并根据调查数据和资料,对青海卫视本土受众、青海卫视发展及本土受众市场培养展开论述。论文主体分为六个部分。第一部分绪论,介绍了青海卫视本土受众研究的背景意义、研究方法、相关文献评述以及研究的理论基础:一是“使用与满足”理论;二是选择性理论。第二部分从自然、政治、经济、社会文化四个方面分析了青海卫视所处的媒介生态环境。第三部分包括青海卫视发展历程、节目构成,以及从优势、劣势、机遇、威胁等四个方面分析了青海卫视的发展现状。第四部分对青海卫视本土受众收视条件、收视动机需求、收视偏好、收看青海卫H视使用与满足情况、对青海卫视改版态度、对青海卫视评价等方而调查数据的分析和总结,这也是本文的基础和重点。第五部分是结合青海卫视本土受众现状、媒介生态环境及青海卫视发展现状,提出青海卫视发展及本土受众市场培养策略。第六部分是结语,对论文进行了总结归纳。媒介的竞争,实质就是受众的竞争。本文的最终目的是,希望通过实地调查和访谈,掌握青海卫视本土受众收视现状,为青海卫视满足本土受众收视需求,稳固本土受众市场,促进青海卫视更好发展提供建议。

【Abstract】 In January1st,2010, the Qinghai TV and Hunan TV began a remarkable cross-regional cooperation. Their cooperation has come to the third year until today. Deep cooperation with Hunan TV leads to a large number of local programs of Qinghai TV being replaced by entertainment program. Today, the Qinghai TV is faced with both external and internal problems. Externally, it does not have the advantage to compete with other strong TV Stations in the country. Internally, it faces the shaking domestic market of the local audience. In this context, this article, based on survey and interviews of local audience, discusses the Qinghai TV development and training of the local audience market.This paper is divided into six parts. The first part of the introduction, introduces background significance of the Qinghai local audience research, research methodology, literature review and theoretical basis:the "usage and meet" theory and selective theory. The second part is about the analysis of the media environment of the Qinghai TV from the four aspects of the natural, political, economic and cultural. The third part of the course discusses the development history of the Qinghai TV, its program composition, as well as the development status of the Qinghai Satellite TV, from the four aspects of the advantage, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges. The fourth part, the main point and part of the paper, is an analysis of Qinghai Satellite TV audience’s viewing conditions, ratings motivational needs, viewing preferences, usage and meet standard, revision attitude of Qinghai TV, evaluation of Qinghai TV. The fifth part is a combination of the current situation of the Qinghai local TV audience, the media environment and the development of the present situation of the development of the Qinghai TV and local audience market training strategy. The final part is the summary and conclusion.Competition in the media, in essence, is the competition of the audience. The ultimate purpose of this paper, hopefully, is to. through field surveys and interviews master the Qinghai local TV audience ratings status and therefore, provide advice and suggestions to meet the needs and aspirations of the local audience of Qinghai TV, solid local audience market and promote better development of the Qinghai Satellite TV.

【关键词】 青海卫视本土受众发展
【Key words】 Qinghai TVLocal audiencesDevelopment
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

