

Ecological Management of Microblog Public Opinion Spreading

【作者】 王婷

【导师】 王学俭;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 思想政治教育, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 互联网时代,微博作为一种新型的社会媒介,以实时性的信息发布、零门槛的使用方式、现场感的用户感受、集群化的意见粘合等特征受到网民的青睐和追捧。微博也在网民互动和社交的过程中,充分发挥着信息传播、人际交往、知识共享、社会互动功能,并在打造政务公开信息透明新平台、开辟人民群众参政议政新阵地、承担突发事件舆论传播信息源和实现微博与地方舆情的双向互动等方面对政治舆论环境产生深刻影响;在提升社会公益意识、反映社会舆论生态和放大社会热点事件等方面对社会舆论环境产生广泛影响;在提供媒介宣传作品、提升媒介传播效果和创新媒介开拓市场等方面对媒介舆论环境产生深远影响,进而给大众提供了私人的展示平台和关注社会事件、讨论社会热点的信息传播窗口。微博在运行和发展的过程中,因为真实性与虚假性的社会现实并存、理性观点与非理性情感宣泄并存以及网络舆论主体呈现低龄化的趋势,其“双刃剑”的作用愈加明显,在网络谣言、网络欺凌、网络成瘾、网络道德等方面凸显问题,并对现实社会产生影响。就目前而言,微博主要存在问政于“微”的持续性与有效性亟待解决、碎片化与娱乐化消解舆论力量、商业性与公共性的博弈和道德失范与信息不对称等主要问题,在一定程度上制约了微博进一步发挥新兴媒介的交流、沟通、监督、评价等功能。微博舆论传播的生态治理是关于微博舆论传播环境治理的新探索。在媒介生态学和思想政治教育学的框架下,借鉴传播学的相关理论,系统探讨微博舆论传播的生态治理问题。以梳理微博基本涵义、主要特点、作用功能为起点,从微博舆论传播的生态治理这一当前思想政治教育研究领域中的崭新视角出发,详细考察微博、微博舆论传播等相关知识,社会环境体系、外在环境以及微博舆论的现实发展等诸多内外因素在微博舆论传播的生态建设过程中的作用和影响力,从以政府服务意识、网民文明精神和网站责任理念为主的理念精神培育,以积极制定法律法规和不断健全引导政策为主的政策法规完善,以社会环境的日益改善和网络环境的良性发展为主的环境氛围营造,以发展网络监督技术和完善网络安全技术为主的先进技术保障等角度,系统阐述微博舆论传播良性循环的治理举措,力求建立良性循环的微博舆论传播生态。

【Abstract】 In the Internet age,MicroBlog were favored by users for its features of real-time information, easy access, feeling of liveness and clustering of opinions.In the process of online and social interactions, MicroBlog played a big role in functioning of information dissemination, interpersonal communication, knowledge sharing and social interaction. It had a profound impact in the political public opinion environment by building transparent new platform of government affairs and public information, increasing the people’s participation in administration and discussion of governments’affairs, spreading emergency public opinion dissemination of information sources and realizing the dual interaction of MicroBlog and public opinion. It remarkably influenced the social public opinion environment by raising public awareness, reflecting social public opinion environment and enlarging social hot issues. It also had a profound effect on media public opinion environment by providing media propaganda work, enhancing media dissemination effect and innovating media public opinion extension market, and provides the public with a private display platform and a information transmission place to focus on social practice and discuss social hot topics.In the process of operation and development of MicroBlog, due to the coexistence of its reality and falsity, rational and non-rational viewpoints as well as the younger trend of users, its role of "double-edged sword" increased obviously, that is, Internet rumors, cyber bullying, Internet addiction, network morality problems, etc. had negative effects on society.Currently, the problems of MicroBlog mainly referred to the sustainability and efficiency of "micro effects" on discussing governments’affairs, dispelling of public opinion strength by fragmenting and entertaining, game theory of commercial and public aspects as well as moral demonstration and information asymmetry, which, to some extent, restricted the functioning of communication and communication, supervision and evaluation, etc. of MicroBlog as a lately emerging medium.Ecological management of MicroBlog public opinion spreading was a new exploration about MicroBlog public opinion spreading environment, and at the same time, the ecological management of MicroBlog public opinion spreading was also the result of various factors.This study systematically discussed the ecological management of MicroBlog public opinion spreading with the experience of Communication in the framework of Media Ecology and Ideological and Political Education.Based on the meaning, main feature and functions of MicroBlog, this thesis aimed at discussing the effects and influences of Microblog, Microblog public opinion spreading, social environmental system, external situation and actual development of Microblog on ecological management of Microblog public opinion spreading from the perspective of ecological management of Microblog. By cultivating ideas and spirits dominated by service-oriented government, civilized netizens and responsible websites, by creating increasingly improved social atmosphere and well-developed internet atmosphere and by developing network supervision and network security technology, author intended to illustrate the ways of ecological management of Microblog public opinion spreading and establish a eucyclic way of ecologically spreading of Microblog public opinions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

