

Study on the Compound Bone Morphogenetic Protein(BMP) with Chitosan and Cyanoacrylate on Preventive Absorption of Rat’s Alveolar Ridge

【作者】 张赟

【导师】 谢富强;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 口腔临床医学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:以骨形态发生蛋白为主药,用α-氰基丙烯酸正丁酯、壳聚糖等为载体,制备成温敏性复合生物胶,植入大鼠即刻拔除下颌切牙的拔牙窝内,观察该胶体对创口的止血、消炎及预防大鼠牙槽嵴萎缩的效果及影响。方法:1、以骨形态发生蛋白-2(BMP-2)为主要成分,使用α-氰基丙烯酸正丁酯和水溶性的壳聚糖为载体,p-甘油磷酸钠为辅料,通过药剂学技术制备具有一定止血、抗炎、温敏性及促进新骨生长的复合丙烯酸酯-骨形态发生蛋白生物胶,并使用同样方法制备单纯壳聚糖温敏性胶体用来做对照研究。检测该复合生物胶的生物相容性。2、选用Wistar大鼠54只,随机分为3组:实验组:植入复合氰基丙烯酸-骨形态发生蛋白生物胶;对照组:植入单纯壳聚糖温敏性胶体;空白对照组:不植入任何材料。3、动物模型的建立,大鼠下颌切牙拔牙术前12天起,齐牙龈夹断下切牙(3次,3日/次),按常规拔牙方法,完整拔除下颌切牙,以制备拔牙后牙槽嵴萎缩动物模型备用。4、在拔除大鼠下颌切牙后,在实验组动物模型牙槽窝内即刻植入复合氰基丙烯酸酯-骨形态发生蛋白生物胶,而在对照组动物模型牙槽窝内植入单纯壳聚糖温敏性胶体,空白对照组则不植入任何材料。3组动物常规饲养,在植入后3、6、9周处死,分离切取下颌骨进行研究。5、对分离后的大鼠下颌骨标本给予高频钼靶扫描仪获得图像信息,所得图像使用Image Pro-Plu6.0软件处理图像,并测得到剩余牙槽嵴相对高度和剩余牙槽嵴相对光密度值,所得数据使用统计学ANVOA分析,研究预防牙槽嵴萎缩的效果。常规病理切片观察牙槽窝内植入材料的生物相容性、降解情况和诱导成骨效果。结果:1、制备的复合氰基丙烯酸酯-骨形态发生蛋白生物胶中rhBMP-2含量为100μg/L,半流动性。具有温敏性,在37℃水浴时长约1min可凝固,呈胶冻状。2、在3、6、9周处死时,实验组的剩余牙槽嵴相对高度和光密度值均明显高于对照组和空白对照组,差异有统计学意义(p<0.05)。3、常规病理切片显示:实验组牙槽窝新生骨小梁多于对照组和空白对照组,且植入复合生物胶吸收速率与形成骨基本相同;空白对照组炎症反应明显,且成骨不明显。结论:1、利用骨形态发生蛋白、α-氰基丙烯酸正丁酯、壳聚糖及甘油磷酸钠等制备为复合氰基丙烯酸酯-骨形态发生蛋白生物胶。胶体稳定性佳,具有一定的温敏性。2、该复合生物胶在牙拔除术后,止血、粘结固定及预防剩余牙槽嵴的萎缩具有明显的效果,该复合生物胶可以成为预防牙槽嵴萎缩的材料之一,临床应用前景广阔。

【Abstract】 Object:1. Using the bone morphogenetic protein-2, cyanoacrylate and chitosan and others to made the compound biological glue. To study the physical, chemical and biological properties of this compound.2. To evaluate the effectiveness and feasibility of implantation of the compound bone morphogenetic protein with P-cyanoacrylate and chitosan to preventive absorption of residual alveolar ridge of rat lower incisor alveolar fossa.Methods:1. Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP), cyanoacrylate and soluble chitosan were be used to make the compound cyanoacrylate-chitosan-BMP. To use the cyanoacrylate, chitosan and glycerophosphate make the chitosan temperature sensitive biological glue.2.54wistar rats were divided randomly and equally into three groups: experimental group (compound cyanoacrylate-chitosan-BMP group), control group (chitosan composite group) and blank control group.3. Animal models, use the needle holder to clamp off the lower incisors (3times,1times/3days) before extraction. After three times, extract the incisors.4. Compound cyanoacrylate-chitosan-BMP was implanted into rats’alveolar fossa of the experimental group, the chitosan temperature sensitive biological glue was implanted into alveolar fossa of the control group, and alveolar fossa of the blank control group was implanted nothing. Animals were sacrificed after3,6,9weeks, and separated and removed all rats’mandible of every group.5. To use the mammography scanner take the X-ray film of rats’mandible, to use the software of Image-Pro Plus6.0measured and analysis the X-ray film. Routine histological observation:The joint specimens were exposed; fixed by neutral formalin, colored by HE staining, wrapped and cut into slices by4μm, study and observed them under a microscope.Results:1. Compound cyanoacrylate-chitosan-BMP is one kind of glue, which is temperature-sensitive, semi-solid, illiquid, and elastic. There was100μg rhBMP-2in one liter.2. The relative length values of residual alveolar ridge and optical density test in experimental group was all greater than those of other groups at3,6,9weeks after operation. There was significant difference between experimental and control groups (p<0.05).3. Optical microscopy showed that new bone formation rate and quality in the experimental group was better than those in the control group and blank control group at3,6,9weeks after implantation.Conclusion:Compound cyanoacrylate-chitosan-BMP has good biocompatibility, safe, stability and ability of osteoinduction. It can be used to prevent the absorption of residual alveolar ridge and have more clinical predications.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

