

Research on Urban and Rural Digital Divide Based on Empirical Internet Access and Usage

【作者】 戴紫娟

【导师】 曹陇华;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 新闻与传播(专业学位), 2013, 硕士


【摘要】 20世纪90年代以来,以互联网为核心的信息通信技术(ICT)在全球范围内的广泛应用,很大程度上推动了全球经济的增长,大大地改变了各国人们的生活方式和行为习惯,但新的社会问题也接踵而来,“数字鸿沟”问题也是其中之一。所谓数字鸿沟,就是“在全球数字化进程中,不同国家、地区、行业、企业、人群之间,由于对信息、网络技术的占有和应用程度不同所造成的‘信息落差’、‘知识分隔’、‘贫富分化’。”我国正处于社会转型的关键时期,各种社会矛盾激化,社会问题突出,城乡差距进一步拉大,不仅仅表现在城乡居民对网络新技术的占用上,更多地体现在城乡居民在信息获取能力及信息使用质量上的差距,这三层城乡数字鸿沟大大地影响着城乡经济发展,更阻碍着城乡一体化进程的推进。甘肃地处西北,信息资源的占用和使用水平远远落后于发达省市,省内城乡之间的互联网接入及使用水平差距明显,这实际反映的是城乡经济发展的不平衡状态,这对甘肃城乡统筹与和谐发展来说是非常不利的。因此,对甘肃省内部的城乡数字鸿沟进行研究探讨,并提出可行的解决对策是非常必要的。本研究从城乡数字鸿沟的“接入沟”、“获取沟”、“使用质量沟”这三个层次入手,对甘肃城乡数字鸿沟的现状及形成原因做了全面研究,并有针对性地提出了弥合这三层沟的具体对策。论文主要包括以下章节:第一章:提出了数字鸿沟这一研究问题,交代了城乡数字鸿沟的内涵、本质、现状,回顾了国内外对该问题的研究现状及趋势,并详细阐述了本研究的研究意义、方法及理论支持。第二章:从实证研究的角度,对甘肃省城乡三层数字鸿沟——“接入沟”、“获取沟”、“使用质量沟”的现状及形成原因进行了详尽的分析。第三章:阐述了国内外在消除城乡数字鸿沟中的经验。第四章:针对甘肃城乡三层数字鸿沟提出了具体的解决措施。结论。对全文总结,提出了研究的不足之处和需要进一步研究的问题。

【Abstract】 Since1990s, the widespread application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) whose core technology is Internet promotes the economic growth with a large extent as well as changes people’s behavior manner and habitat. However, it also brings new social problems, such as "digital divide".Our country is undergoing the critical period of social transformation, in which a variety of social contradictions sharpen, social problems break out. The gap between urban and rural areas expands which not only performs in the urban and rural residents’occupancy of new technology but also in the difference of the urban and rural residents’ability to access to information and the quality to use information. The three levels of digital divide greatly affect the economic development in urban and rural areas, and moreover, it hinders the process of integration of urban and rural areas. Gansu province is located in the northeast of China, which is far behind other provinces in the oppupancy and use ability of information resources. What’s more, inside Gansu province, there is an apparent gap of the internet access, the ability to get the internet information and the ability to use internet information between the urban and rural areas, which is actually the differences in economic development between urban and rural areas. This situation performs negative impact on the overall development of Gansu province, which emphasizes the necessity of conducting research on the digital divide holding inside Gansu province and proposing feasible countermeasures to it.This research starting from the three levels, conducting comprehensive study of the current situation and performance as well as the reasons of the digital divide of Gansu province, and propose specific measures to bridge this three divide. The paper includes the following sections: Chapter one:raise the digital divide issue, explain the connotation, nature, current situation of digital divide between urban and rural areas, recall the related research status and trend domestic and foreign, and propose the innovation and elaborate the significance, methods and theories of this research. Chapter two:from the perspective of empirical research, analyze the situation and source of three layers of the digital divide between urban and rural areas in Gansu province-"access gap"," usage gap"and"usage gap of quality". Chapter three:It explains the elimination experience of the foreign and domestic about urban rural digital divide. Chapter four:it proposes the specific solution measures in view of the three layers of the digital divide between urban and rural areas in Gansu province. Finally, The conclusion pointed out the inadequacies of the study and the question need to further study.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

