

Primary Exploration about Some Sales Contract Documents Remaining in Huizhou from Song Dynasty to Qing Dynasty

【作者】 杨朝迎

【导师】 郭永利;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 徽州地区位于安徽省南部,自宋代以来,经济文化较为发达,这里民间保存下来的契约文书内容涉及土地买卖、土地价格、田亩产量、租佃关系、宗法制度等,成为研究这一地区社会经济生活的重要史料。本文从诸多徽州现存契约文书中挑选出来具有代表性的买卖契约若干件,时间跨度自宋至清代,契约涉及内容也较宽泛,目的是为了研究宋至清代徽州地区的土地买卖,农业经营体制、土地税制等内容。此外,本文还对该地区涉及的买卖契约文书进行了综合对比提出了自己的见解,进一步理清了这些买卖契约文书的框架特点。

【Abstract】 Huizhou, a place located in the southern part of Anhui province, Therefore, its economy and culture are relatively developed. Meanwhile, some contract documents which refer to land sale, land price, farmland production, tenancy relationship and patriarchal system, become crucial historical materials for us to study local social and economic life. What we have already found is that contract documents remaining in Huizhou from Ming Dynasty to Qing Dynasty have a large quantity and complete type. This paper selects elaborately several typical contract documents, varying about hundreds years, including many details, thus playing a significant role for us to study the land system, agricultural management system, land tax system and legal system from Song Dynasty to Qing Dynasty. In addition, this paper analyzes primarily the historical significance included in these contract documents from different periods and comes up with my own statement. Based on comprehensive comparison about contract documents which are pertinent to transaction, this paper aims at putting forward a theoretical framework to have a good knowledge of these contract documents’characteristics.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

