

Study on the Language Arts in Ideological and Political Education

【作者】 李亿

【导师】 马忠;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 思想政治教育, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 语言不仅是思想政治教育传输的载体,更是其意义系统的延展。按照哲学思维方式讲,是语言赋予了思想政治教育意义。因此,语言是思想政治教育研究要解决的最基本问题。20世纪西方哲学经历了一次转折,这即是哲学的语言转向。这股潮流影响了诸多学科的发展,不同学科纷纷打出了转向的旗号。思想政治教育也不例外,有的学者已经提出要实现思想政治教育语言的转向了。到目前为止,这种转向的提法主要集中在语言技巧性的丰富变化上,但是对语言转向的另一个层次:价值与交往,涉及的还不是很多。思想政治教育语言艺术的研究一方面讲求语言的丰富性,另一方面也追求语言艺术背后的价值与交往。本文分为导言、正文、总结与反思三部分。导言部分主要论述近几年关于思想政治教育语言艺术研究的成果以及简单介绍论文的写作方法及价值等。正文分为五章。第一章以问题为出发点,叙述思想政治教育语言的特质,思想政治教育语言当前遇到的困境,并提出思想政治教育语言应当实现转向;第二章主要分析思想政治教育语言转向的现实性和可能性,包括理论背景和受众的现实。同时说明这种转向的目标所在是思想政治语言艺术;第三章叙述了思想政治教育语言艺术的基本问题,包括定义、原则以及基本功能等;第四章主要目的在于思想政治教育语言艺术“化”的过程,叙述思想政治教育语言艺术化的基本策略及策略准备;第五章是对第四章语言艺术化基本策略的深化解读,主要叙述了思想政治教育语言艺术化中常见的十种策略。总结与反思部分是论文写作过程中对论文的一种逆向思考,说明论文中的不足,尤其是论文中所呼唤的而行文中却没有加以注意的部分。

【Abstract】 Language is not only the carrier but the extension of ideological and political education. According to philosophical thoughts, it is language that determines the meaning of ideological and political education. Therefore, the fundamental issue of ideological and political education is language. The first transformation of language in philosophy occurred in the20th century, which leaded to the development of many disciplines and their transformation, so was ideological and political education advocated by scholars in this field. Up to now, the attention of language transformation has been focused on the abundant variation of language skills; however, little attention has been paid on the value and exchange of language. And the study on language arts of ideological and political education calls for the enrichment as well as the value and exchange of language arts.This thesis is consisted of three parts:introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion.The introduction part focuses on introducing to the main research results of language arts in ideological and political education in the past few years and writing method and point of view of the thesis.The body paragraphs are formed by five interrelated chapters. The first chapter discusses the feature of the language in ideological and political education and difficulties encounter in its research based on the research question, and the author puts forward the concept of language transformation. The second chapter analyzes the reality and possibility of language in ideological and political education, which includes theoretical background and reality of its audience, meanwhile illustrates the aim of the transformation is for the language arts in ideological and political education. The third chapter states the fundamental problems of language art in ideological and political education, including the definition, principles and basic functions. The forth chapter aims at elaborating the artistic course of ideological and political education language and its essential strategies. The fifth chapter is a deep interpretation of the essential strategies of artistic language, which interprets the common ten strategies of artistic language in ideological and political education.The conclusion part serves as a reversing thinking of the topic, which aims at finding out the deficiencies of the thesis that being mentioned but not emphasized in the construction of the hesis.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

