

Ideological and Political Education from the Perspective of Ideology Security Research

【作者】 金颖

【导师】 马忠;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 思想政治教育, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 时代在前进,社会在发展。随着历史的车轮不断的奔腾前进,当代中国呈现出崭新的局面,经济体制深刻变革,利益格局深刻调整,社会结构深刻变动,思想观念深刻变化。当代中国正经历着前所未有的机遇和挑战。实现伟大复兴就是近代以来中华民族最伟大的梦想。当代中国因为梦想而变得飞扬热烈,“中国梦”承载着亿万人民的梦想和重托,寄托着亿万人民的理想和希冀,指引着亿万人民的道路和方向。社会的全面发展,需要坚实的物质保障,也需要稳固的政治保障,更离不开统一的精神支撑。因此,维护意识形态安全是维护国家安全,促进社会发展的必要条件之一。意识形态安全问题关系着国家的长治久安,在极富多样性、开放性和包容性的当今世界,冲出威胁意识形态安全的种种现实困境,找寻维护我国意识形态安全的思想政治教育路径是顺应、诠释和促进民族复兴、推动社会转型的现实需要。面对威胁意识形态安全的种种现实因素,积极思考思想政治教育改革发展的前景就成为推动思想政治教育学科创新的迫切需要。研究意识形态安全和思想政治教育问题,就必须探寻两者间的契合点,寻求现代思想政治教育发展变革的现实路径。论文共分为五部分。导言部分主要阐述研究的缘起、研究的价值、研究的现状、研究的思路,为全文奠定基础;第一章着重分析思想政治教育与意识形态安全,分析思想政治教育的现代发展,辨别思想政治教育与意识形态安全间的关系;第二章从苏联亡党和中国古代思想政治教育的历史中寻求经验鉴戒;第三章结合当前时代背景,我国意识形态安全面临的威胁因素中,思索现代思想政治教育的时代课题;第四章在前文分析的基础上,探讨思想政治教育维护我国意识形态安全的现实路径选择。

【Abstract】 The times are ahead, in the development of society. With the Pentium forward the wheel of history, contemporary China presents a new situation, profound changes in the economic system, pattern of interests profound adjustment, the profound changes in social structure, ideas, profound changes. Contemporary China is experiencing unprecedented opportunities and challenges. To achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in modern times of the greatest dreams.Contemporary China dreams become flying warm,"China Dream" carries the dreams and trust of millions of people, is entrusted with the ideal and hope of millions of people, guided hundreds of millions of people on the road and direction. Comprehensive development of society, you need a solid material security, but also need solid political support, but also inseparable unified spiritual support.Therefore, ideology security to safeguard national security, one of the necessary conditions for social development. Ideology safety issues related to the long-term stability of the country, in the highly diversity, openness and inclusiveness in the world today, out of the threat to the security realities of the plight of ideology, to find ideological and political education to maintain the safety of China’s ideological path to follow, interpretation of the practical needs and promote the rejuvenation of the nation, and promote social transformation. The face of threats to the security ideology realities factors, positive thinking ideological and political education reform and development prospects for the urgent need to promote ideological and political education innovation. The research ideology safety and ideological and political education, it is necessary to explore the meeting point between the two, to seek the development of modern ideological and political education of the reality of change path.The thesis is divided into five parts. Introductory part deals with the research value, the value of the status quo of the study, research ideas, research, and lay the foundation for full-text; modern development of the first chapter focuses on the analysis of the ideological and political education and ideological security analysis of ideological and political education, to identify the ideological and political educationthe relationship between ideology safety; seeking experience warning from the history of the of death Party of the Soviet Union and China ancient ideological and political education; Chapter with the background, the security threats to China’s ideological factors, the thinking of modem ideological and politicaleducation topic of the times; Chapter on the basis of the previous text analysis to explore the ideological and political education to maintain the safety of China’s ideological reality path selection.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

