

Research on City Community Governance Organization

【作者】 尹远兴

【导师】 单菲菲;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 公共管理(专业学位), 2013, 硕士


【摘要】 近年来,随着经济体制改革、经济高速发展、经济结构变化的推动,我国社会结构也发生了深刻变化,进入了社会转型期。为了应对转型社会的新形势,党中央、国务院做出了推进社会管理改革创新、加强和改进社区建设的战略部署。各城市也积极进行社区管理的改革探索,这使得社区治理、社区管理等课题受到广泛关注。但是,从机构设置的角度对社区治理进行的研究相对较少。本文在我国社区治理机构设置历史状况的大背景下,试图结合广州市海珠区琶洲街社区治理机构方面的一些探索创新举措和有益探索,从历史背景、现实状况和制度建设层面认真分析当前社区机构设置中存在的一些问题及其原因,同时借鉴国外社区治理机构设置的有益经验,提出对我国城市社区治理机构的改进建议。论文首先介绍了本文研究的背景、意义和方法,阐明了社区和机构的涵义、特点,然后简要梳理了自秦代以来至改革开放新时期我国社区治理机构的历史状况,并以广州市海珠区琶洲街设置社区工作站的改革探索为案例,揭示了社区治理机构设置上同时存在的管治与自治两种不同取向,深入分析其主要原因,并在借鉴美国、日本和新加坡社区治理机构经验的基础上,结合广州市海珠区琶洲街的探索经验提出对社区治理机构改革的对策建议,包括分设社区工作站和社区居民委员会,前者作为政府机构履行政府职能,后者作为自治机构承担自治功能;设立党代表和人大代表、政协委员社区工作室,在社区居民自治中夯实执政党的主导地位;推进设立业主委员会,承接社区硬件管理;推进社区服务外包和培育社会组织,承接社区软件服务。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with the reform of economic system, the rapid economic development, the change of economic structure promotion, China’s social structure has undergone profound changes, has entered a period of social transition. In order to deal with the new situation of social transformation, the Party Central Committee, the State Council has made to promote the strategic deployment of social management innovation, strengthen and improve the community construction. The city is also actively carried out reform of community management of exploration, which makes the community governance, community management subject widely concerned. However, research from the organization of community governance is relatively little. This paper sets the background history in our community governance organization, trying to explore some innovative measures and beneficial exploration with respect to Guangzhou Haizhu District Pazhou Street community governance organization, from the aspect of construction of reality and the system background, careful analysis of the current community. Some problems existed in setting up and their causes, and drawing on the useful experience of set control organization of foreign community, puts forward some suggestions for the improvement of city community governance organization in our country, has very strong pertinence and practical significance.The paper firstly introduces the background, significance and methods of this research, clarifies the meaning, characteristics of community and institutions, historical status of our community governance organization and then briefly reviews since the Qin Dynasty to the new period of reform and opening, the reform and exploration in Guangzhou Haizhu District Pazhou Street community workstation as a case, reveals the governance and the autonomous community governance organization is arranged on the simultaneous presence of two different orientations, in-depth analysis of the main reasons, and on the basis of the experience of the United States, Japan and Singapore Community Governance organization, combined with the city of Guangzhou Haizhu District Pazhou Street experience, put forward suggestions and Countermeasures to reform the community governance organization, namely:divided into community work and community residents committee as a government agency, the performance of the functions of the government, the latter as autonomous organizations undertake autonomous function; the establishment of Party and people’s Congress, the CPPCC members community studio, the dominant position in the community inhabitant autonomy in consolidate the ruling party; promote the establishment of the owners of the committee, to undertake community hardware management; to promote community service outsourcing and the cultivation of social organizations, to undertake the software community service.

【关键词】 广州市社区机构治理
【Key words】 Guangzhoucommunityorganizationgovernance
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】D669.3
  • 【下载频次】197

