

A Study on Semantic Meaning and Grammar of Modern Chinese Taste Words

【作者】 吴尧瑜

【导师】 高永奇;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 味觉词是现代汉语词汇系统中的一个小类,虽然为数不多,却运用广泛,而且在句法语义等方面呈现出了独特的特征。本文在前人的研究基础之上,立足于现代汉语共时层面,运用大量的语言事实,对汉语味觉词的句法功能和认知隐喻能力进行了较为深入的考察。全文共分四个章节。第一章是绪论,主要介绍了本文选题的目的与意义,现代汉语味觉词在语义、文化、句法、认知、类型学等方面的研究现状,以及本文考察时所依托的语料来源。第二章首先从语言学角度对味觉词进行了界定和分类,确定了“酸、甜、苦、辣、鲜、咸”为现代汉语的六个基本味觉词;然后根据认知语言学理论,讨论了味觉隐喻的工作机制;最后通过进一步探讨前人对形容词小类的句法研究,对味觉词的隐喻研究,从而得出了本文的考察重点。第三章详细地考察了现代汉语六个基本味觉词的句法功能。根据形容词的主要句法功能,本章依次考察了基本味觉词在充当主语、谓语、宾语以及定语、状语、补语时的句法特征和语法意义。重点描写了味觉词“苦”作宾语和状语时的相关特征,基本味觉词作补语的两种情况。第四章首先依据语料库统计了现代汉语味觉词的使用概况,接着根据六个味觉词的意义类型和不同味觉词族的隐喻情况,从隐喻的角度分别对其进行了细致的考察,进而总结了味觉词隐喻的生成机制,并对味觉词隐喻能力不平衡的原因作了探讨。

【Abstract】 As a small word group in modern Chinese vocabulary system, the taste words are rarein number, but widely used. Their unique characteristics are also presented in syntactic andsemantic aspects. In this paper, based on the previous study and the synchronic level ofmodern Chinese, we use a large number of linguistic facts to make an in-depth study on thesyntactic function and cognitive metaphorical competences of Chinese taste words. Thispaper consists of four chapters.The first chapter is introduction. It mainly introduces the purpose and significance ofthis topic, and current research in semantic, syntactic, cognitive, cultural, typology aspectsof taste words in modern Chinese by predecessors, and also introduces the sources ofcorpus.In the second chapter, firstly, the taste words are defined and classified in theperspective of linguistics, and sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, salty, fresh are identified as the sixbasic taste words in modern Chinese. Then according to the theory of cognitive linguistics,the working mechanism of taste metaphor is discussed. Finally, through further research inprevious study on syntax of the adjective words group, metaphor study on the taste words,we find the key point in this paper.The third chapter investigates the syntactic function of the six basic taste words inmodern Chinese. On the basis of the main syntactic functions of adjectives, this chapteranalyses the basic gustatory adjectives in turn, represents their syntactic functions asdifferent components, such as the subject, predicate, object, attributive, adverbial,complement, and analyses their syntactic and grammatical meaning. It has discussions onfeatures related to the taste words "bitter" when it is used as an object and adverbial, anddiscuss the two different situations when taste words are used as complements.The fourth chapter firstly presents the usages of taste words in modern Chinese baseon corpus statistics, then according to the different meaning types of the taste words and the metaphor used in taste words, we investigate the taste words separately and carefully inthe perspective of metaphor, and then summarizes the formational mechanism of tastemetaphors, and also discusses the causes of the imbalance in metaphorical competence ofthe taste words.

【关键词】 味觉词句法语义认知隐喻
【Key words】 taste wordssyntaxsemantic meaningcognitionmetaphor
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

