

The Heritage of Kun Opera Saved in the Sichuan Opera

【作者】 孙纯

【导师】 周秦;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 戏剧戏曲学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 昆曲在2001年被联合国教科文组织评为中国首批“人类口述和非物质遗产”后,它的保护和传承越来越受到人们的重视和关注,而保存在川剧中的那部分昆曲遗产的抢救与传承工作却迟迟未跟上时代的步伐。随着时光的流逝,我们能在舞台上看到的川昆演出剧目已经减少到仅仅十来个,这使得川剧中的这一笔昆曲遗产处于非常危险的生存境地。为了抢救和保护这部分珍贵的昆曲遗产,本文主要通过对昆曲传入四川的历史探源,厘清昆曲入川的时间,以及和昆曲有关的川剧演员、音乐人、戏班,并结合明清时期四川特殊的历史背景,分析昆曲在四川发生演变的地域文化环境等深层原因,再以剧本为研究对象,挖掘和辨别真正和昆曲有关的川昆遗产,并从文词、音乐、表演、结构等方面分析其艺术特征。通过研究得出结论,昆曲丰富营养了川剧,川昆无论作为昆曲的一支还是川剧的一员,其抢救、保护的工作都是刻不容缓的,否则我们将失去一笔宝贵的艺术遗产。

【Abstract】 Kun Opera was named the first Chinese "human oral and non-material heritage" bythe United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization in2001, its protectionand inheritance got more recognition and attention by people, but the work of saving andinheriting Kun Opera part in Sichuan opera haven’t keep up with the pace of the Times.The Chuan-Kun opera we can see on the stage play has been reduced to no more than adozen as time goes by, and it makes the heritage of Kun Opera in Sichuan opera in a verydangerous situation.To rescue and protect this precious heritage of Kun opera, this essay is mainly toclarify the time when Kun Opera come into Sichuan, and also about the Sichuan operaactors, musician and sin which are related to Kun Opera, that combine this with the specialSichuan history during the Ming and Qing dynasties to analyze the deep reasons of theevolution of Kun Opera in Sichuan, such as regional culture and environment etc. Thenbased on the research object——the play, to excavate and distinguish the real heritage ofChuan-Kun opera of Kun Opera, and also analyze its artistic characteristics from theaspects such as language, music, performance and structure.Based on the research we could have this conclusion, that Kun Opera had has broughtup Sichuan opera, the work to save and protect Chuan-Kun opera is urgent whatever Chuan-Kun opera is a part of Kun Opera, or a member of Sichuan Opera, or we will lose avaluable heritage.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

