

A Study on the Veterinary API Sales Trategy in HS Pharmteutical

【作者】 孙宇

【导师】 魏文斌;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 工商管理(专业学位), 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 HS公司经过十年的长足发展已经在兽药行业内享有一定的知名度,凭借兽药原料药氟苯尼考等原料药和水溶氟苯尼考等各种制剂等得到了较大的发展。目前兽药原料药行业正经历着全球经济疲软,相同重复建设,供需不平衡等多重压力。有许多挑战摆在我们面前:如何稳固和扩大已有的优势;如何降低企业的成本,提高竞争优势;如何避免价格战,生产差异化产品;如何提高客户的忠诚度,促进客户的再次购买;建立符合市场规律的营销策略,进而巩固和扩大市场占有率,增强企业的竞争力,提高企业的利润。这是本文的研究目的。全文正文分为四个部分:(1)问题的提出和意义,以及解决的思路和方法。(2)介绍营销策略中的分析工具并对HS公司兽药原料药的内外环境进行综合分析。本章节为全文的铺垫篇,通过对HS公司进行SWOT分析和波特五力模型分析,寻找出HS公司在兽药原料药上的优势和短板,并寻找出相应的资源。(3)HS公司兽药原料药的营销策略。首先对兽药行业的现状和市场情况进行分析总结,并结合对兽药行业客户的心理分析,找出适当有效的营销策略。通过产品生命周期对兽药原料药氟苯尼考进行界定,进而对氟苯尼考等原料药运用STP理论进行市场定位,提升自身实力,控制成本。并以此为基础,生产有针对性的差异化产品,占领客户心智,进而增强对客户的粘着力,提升品牌知名度,获取高额利润。其次,选取了行之有效的营销策略,包括:圈子营销,榜样营销及口碑营销。同时还添加了在市场价格波动情况下如何去拓展新客户的方法。根据客户心理和“份额瓶颈”理论抢占竞争对手的份额。拓展自己的市场份额。再则,原料药的销售是持续性的,因此产品对客户的粘着力十分重要,建立行之有效的产品策略,品牌策略和沟通策略,增强对客户的粘着力,进而提升HS的知名度。(4)HS公司兽药原料药营销策略的保障措施。本章节主要在为以上各章节做后盾支持。本章首先从销售组织结构来保障销售的及时性,且更贴近市场,并且在组织结构上保障销售不同产品的销售队伍的专业性。其次,从销售控制上保障销售目标和销售利润,并且要做好效率控制,内部促进销售人员效率,外部管促进渠道商效率。再则,从营销队伍的建立上,先挑选队伍人员,再管理培训,而且要锻造销售人员执行力。本文的主要贡献在于通过SWOT,波特五力模型等工具对HS公司进行综合分并根据兽药市场特有的情况,在进一步分析客户的心理因素。得出针对性的营销策略。采用差异化,有黏着性的产品提高客户忠诚度与满意度,占据客户心智。扩大市场份额,获取超额利润。并提升企业的品牌知名度。

【Abstract】 HS Company, after10years of rapid development, has enjoyed a certain popularity inthe veterinary industry, by virtue of florfenicol and water soluble florfenicol. With a weakglobal economy, the multiple pressures of redundant competitors, supply and demandimbalance, there are many challenges in front of HS: how to stabilize and expand theexisting advantages; how to reduce the cost and improve competitive advantage; how toavoid a price war, the production of differentiated products; how to improve customerloyalty promote customer buy again; HS should establish a marketing strategy in line withthe laws of the market, thereby strengthen and expand market share, and enhance thecompetitiveness of enterprises, and increase profits. This is the purpose of this paper. Thefull text of the body is divided into four parts:Part I, Profounding the questions, then analysising them, next reasching ideas andmethod.Part II, Introducing analysis tools of marketing strategy and HS company’s veterinaryAPI internal and external environment. This part is the full text of bedding articles,throughHS SWOT analysis,Porter’s five forces model analysis and definition of the product lifecycle of florfenicol, HS needs to find a way for avoiding cut throat competition. Under theprice war time. Therefore, the product positioning is particularly important. MarketPositioning, through STP theory, is inclined to achieve sustained development.Part III, HS Veterinary API marketing strategy. This part is starting from the macroperspective of marketing, with emphasizing the improvement of own strength, andcontrolling the costs. As a basis for the analysis of real market demand, producing targeteddifferentiated products adheres customers, enhances brand awareness, and gets high profits.moreover, HS outstands product differentiation, based on the analysis of veterinarychannels and customer intelligence, escapes the strange trap of cut throat competition, andselects an effective marketing strategy, including: the circle marketing, role models marketing and word of mouth marketing. Meanwhile,fluctuations in price, is the good timefor obtaining customers, of the market. According to customer psychology and the theoryof "sales bottleneck", HS should seize a share of the competitors, expand market share.Furthermore,wishing the continuing sales, the adhesion of products to customers is veryimportant to establish an effective sales strategy and product strategy, enhancing adhesionof the customers, and thus advancing the brand awareness.Part IV, HS company adopts safeguards for marketing strategy. This part is mainlybacked support for the above parts. First, the structure of the sales organization will protectthe promptly sales and close to the market and the professionalism of sales team, whichsell different products, Second, sales system is the chief method for sales goals andprofits, and HS should get ready to control efficiency, including internal sales personnelefficiency, external channels of distribution efficiency. Furthermore, with regard toestablishment of the sales team, the first is to select salesman, the second is to train them.And third is to forge the implementation of the sales staff.The main contribution of this paper is provide sales tragedy for HS,through SWOT,Porter’s five forces model tool and so forth. Further according to the the specific veterinaryChannels of distribution and the psychological factors of the customer. HS plans to marketstrategies in the regard. Using of differentiation, adhesion products to increase customerloyalty and satisfaction. Expanding the market share, gaining excess profits, andenhancing the brand awareness.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

